Saw some homeless guy looking for a shade tree to sleep under today about noon. Was so darn hot. Man there were some tough sobs that came before us and dealt with the weather and temps.
You keep that stuff buddy. Got 2 more days being down in a basement finishing comcrete Mon and Tues so no thanks ha. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Modern garden hose fittings... you would think that companies that specialize in moving water from one place from another would have at least a basic understanding of the concept of galvanic corrosion, but these days even the fancy garden hoses that cost over $100 for a hundred foot hose have switched to those stupid aluminum connectors. I run an insurance company; how is it that I know more about what happens when aluminium touches red brass in a moist environment then the people who actually work in the water conveyance industry. I went to three different stores today and couldn’t find a single hose with brass fittings. I finally gave up and bought a ****ty hose and went online and ordered a hydraulic hose crimping machine because cutting the ends off the hose and installing actual brass fittings was easier than unhooking it every time I waltered something and cheaper than having to replace my hose bibs every couple years when the hose goes bad and I’ve gotta rip out the entire wall hydrant because the GD aluminium hose fitting has has welded itself onto the spigot.
I have always planned that if I make it to 80, served my purpose, and no longer have anything productive to give to the world, then I am going to try all the really good drugs that I never tried because I knew they were instantly addictive... heroine, pcp, ketamine, mescaline, and crystal meth are at the top of the list... I mean heck, I’m 32 and already getting sore joints and the occasional backache... by 80 it’ll be a welcomed reprieve and I would really really like to know if those drugs actually make you feel as good as they tell you they do in D.A.R.E
That is interesting about taking the rifle, did they give it to the cop because they asked? Can the police get a warrant to come take the gun? So the police got a search warrant and seized the gun. Wonder what 2 lawyers are going to do about that?
search warrant signed for by that see you next Tuesday St. Louis DA Gardner (Sp?) She's a Soros operative and all around disgusting POS. She hates cops with a special kind of passion (especially STLPD) ; and I can't hardly believe that any STLPD officer would even agree to serve it.
my local AM radio guy is right now going through their resume's- the McCloskey's are virulent litigators and have sued about everyone under their sun (for personal reasons; not just as representation of others) including Mr. McCloskey's own sister, brother, father; and pretty much everyone in their neighborhood.
I think they should switch guns, the lady appears tall enough to handle the AR, and her handgun would fit perfect in the little guys hands.
I know, I know. That was keyboard courage. I obviously wouldn't do that. However, I am left wondering what the point of the second amendment is, if not to stop people from taking our weapons without cause.
My neighbors get super pissed when I go fishing in their koi pond while they’re on vacation. Not sure why though; I always practice catch and release and I use circle hooks. I find that crickets work really well for the orange ones but top-water artificials are the way to go for the white and black ones...