I work in a semi-urban landscape and Im an older guy these days. I run about 1/5th the amount of calls as the guys that I work with based on my position. I can't think of all the things I've done over the past few months since covid set in....and my experiences pale in comparison to the average officer. In the past 4 to 5 months I've been in several uses of force. One with a guy reaching for a gun in his center console, one a huge man on pcp, and the other a naked man who said he had covid and pushed me. I had a guy try to purposely ram me with his car and got into a pursuit. I've been involved in riots...hit with rocks, bottles, and everything while being told they see my name on my badge and will go to my house and kill my family, all the while having a double hernia and feeling very sick. I've helped kick in doors for domestic with weapons calls multiple times. One being a woman whose face had been severely slashed and the offender was still in the house barricaded. The last week before I got off I also got on scene of an 8 month pregnant female who had overdosed on opiods. I did multiple rounds of cpr on her to save her and her baby but was unsuccessful. My officers at the hospital got to see doctors cut out the dead baby from that womens womb and try and save it....and then have to take pictures of the crime scene after. I've found dead people in businesses and had to tell their husbands they were dead to their face when they arrived on scene. I feel comfortable telling you guys this as I don't have any other social media and you know I am not bragging, I am simply telling the truth. So when someone says, "f the police", that is ok.... I know in my heart what I do on a daily basis.
They have very little understanding of what the average officer faces on a daily basis. I've noticed the majority of these idiots are suburbanite with no chance of ever really knowing what the underbelly of society really consists of.
Living in the country light travels. Every night all night, neighbor up the hill has their house lit up. ( my many bathroom trips) So one day I asked about it. Well even adult kids live at home with their kids. Every single one has to have a TVin the bedroom, her included, and they run all night so they can....sleep WTH?
Hadn't seen grandson in a while yesterday he wanted to turn on his aunts TV (5yrs old) mom said no. I later catch him trying to reach remote and said sorry mommy said no and moved remote. Well he balled up his little fists and got an angry look saying " I'll fist you! " I was standing over him and in my low drill sargent voice slowly said " Don't you EVER threaten your grandmother again! " He thought for a moment and timidly said, " I will! " My response was the same. His demeanor sunk and he turned and walked away..lol we later talked and he was fine but I'm pretty sure that will never happen again.
Oh now I remember Sunny but rolling thunder booming and very near. Keeping me from going out to work.
The ads on Youtube for Depends have been replaced with ads for Joe "sleepy dementia" Biden. Apparently, Google's ad logarithm thinks I am really old and tired, possibly senile to the point of needing to be put in a nursing home. I am tired a lot, but that is because of my toddler has terrible sleep habits. To paraphrase Indiana Jones, "its not the years, its the children." That, and 95% of my time on the internet is spent looking at hunting related content.
Nothing good will come from vigilante justice. IMHO - More social workers aren't going to fix the root cause not run of the mill dispute (like domestic disturbances, nor assault (sans battery), nor conveyed threats, or many other problems either.
All the big school districts are now employing more and more school psychologists and social workers, thereby turning schools into an extension of an already growing and ineffective social service department. Not what schools were intended for and I don't like it as a tax payer. Parents, parent your darn kids.
https://twitter.com/titaniamcgrath/status/1275103513060786176?s=21 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Umm.. gun sales. Oh I agree. I just like the fact that they think something good will come from defunding the police.
If you had tested positive for C19 in NY or MI; you'd be on a one-way ticket to the nearest old folks home. So be thankful for that.
Living in a neighborhood under Historic Preservation rules. I'm about to go full whackadoddle if they dont approve my gd driveway tonight. They only do approvals on Monday's and they only do a handful of them, self importance. But come tomorrow I dont have my approval and I'll be in that office until I get one of two things, approval or arrested for kicking the chit outa some dumb millennial with a bureaucratic government wastefulness job. In order to widen it from 7ft to 9'6" you would think I'm asking for a permit to sacrifice children. The driveway has been torn out and forms up for over two weeks now waiting for this twat 30 year old drunk on power to give me a Certificate of Appropriateness in order to pour the overly priced dyed concrete, so it doesnt look new. Extra cost to file for permit, Historical bs, extra cost for concrete, Historical bs, extra cost of mailing a box of shaved hair off a dog with mange and fleas to said office, worth it.
we're Number 1!!! https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/...ngs-homicide-gun-violence-june-19-22-104-shot