Will raise you an untold number of ranger loads to excavate and 2 loads of fill to create this plus a 25 foot walkway.
It be there by man. I just needed to fix my perspective as, well, Fix rightfully pointed out. 2020 was getting to me man. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
look, brother- I operate wired daily. But if I ever get to the point where I look at hunting season being less than 6 months out as a negative; I am going to pull the plug. That's when I know I am over the edge. I am as pissed off, hurt, and angry as anyone else as to what is going on in our country...but deer season being appx 90 days away is a blessing. A blessing.
Oh I hear ya! It was more a rant about having to endure the relentless BS For that long before we fire up the LFTS thread and get back to a hunting focus. I'm counting the days and beers till then...which is a lot of beers. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Nothing like a midnight swim into a flooded river full of water moccasins to save all the watercraft from the floodwaters. I got there in the nick of time and saved both John boats, a long tail mud motor, 2 canoes, 3 Trollin motors, three deep cycle batteries, a sit on top kayak, 7 inner tubes, 3 pool rafts, and a giant inflatable yellow duck. Unfortunately the river claimed the big inflatable unicorn float, the other kayak, and the big old live oak the kayaks were tied to. This is what the river/dam normally looks like: This is tonight: Pictures don’t do it justice. That’s a 100yd long and 35’ high dam. Just watched a giant hickory tree float over the top and get caught in the hydraulic jump. It got smashed into firewood sized chunks in 20 seconds.