Went ahead and tried the old 'I don't know how many times I can explain this..' line tonight. Woooo, talk about making the tea kettle whistle! File that one under "Should have known better". But on the bright side, I did explain where the footings for the deck are going and why. Lol!
wishing those Murder Hornets would hurry up...dang carpenter bees are obnoxious this spring. Found where they been at my shed.
Listen to me....its better to do it now before you start than to have to explain it in the middle of the job. Guy: Honey, could you put your finger right there so i can finish this bow? Wife: how do you make a bow? Are you sure you don't need something else. How do you plan to tie the bow? You are doing it wrong. You should do it like this... Guy: (after enduring 3 or 4 minutes of questioning) thinks, crap, i could have had the dog put its paw there and i would have finished already and the dog would get a treat and be happy....
Putting this here because it's not about politics. It is about respect, for others and self respect. To BLM, ALL LIVES MATTER period. To people being told to kneel and apologize, to people washing activists feet.,what the hell's wrong with you?! Your not respecting anyone the least yourself. Bullies operating under the guise of social activism are still nothing more than bullies. Bullies do not get to DEMAND respect from anyone for any reason.
This is on my work computer in the office so definitely cyber-stalking. And we do not shop for my in-laws.
This is how groups control the growing masses. Subservience, thought control, and verbal control. It's in plain sight.
So I needed to have 2 places on the septic line replaced because of root issues. I finally got someone out to replace the pipe. I had to had dig the pipe out so the guy could just plumb it up. I started digging yesterday on the hottest day in 2 years. I am getting too old to do this crap. I now have to get out there and backfill before it starts pouring for the next 2 days. I know it is 10:30 in the morning but I am having a beer before I start.
Man I know that feeling. I have had to watch for heat stroke. Sun just beats down on ya. Good luck with that. Our place had plumbing issues 2nd week we moved in They must have dumped whole fry baskets down the lines . Had to replace everything with new bigger pipes. They were literally packed tight with grease. Who does that on a septic?
"I followed the template" there are a few cases when a template needs to be followed, but most of the time, it's just a tool to help. Bring your brain...
We've done that with a bucket of tar at work. Luckily it was confined to the bed for most part but the rest of the summer was a joy to haul anything. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
No Rant The NYS/ city police press conferance...WOW Give that guy a metal for being honest and putting it all out there. Side note...man he looks just like the " Fonz" lol