Our company, a public company, probably has an average age of 27. I.e. I'm a relic. On the 2 hours (I kid you not) of townhall and all-hands calls, which featured annomous Q&A, I'm appalled. 'The kids' apparently have no clue as to how public companies work, accounting nor how they contribute. E.g. xyz company is going to offer unlimited PTO, why aren't we doing that? We think company should match employee 'bailout' contributions. We should not be doing work with police or military. We think our contributions to ABC cause should be matched a 2:1. Screw our stock price How long will those 'on the bench' be kept, cause nobody is hiring Will we be receiving bonuses this year. Why don't we have more minority leaders on this call or in the company Smh
The Buffalo cop incident.. Just how F ing stupid do you need to be..really. Dumb makes me angry Now to that, I have watched that video from every angle available. I am a person that has taken more falls and face plants than a stunt man. I can tell you this ,especially as I age. No way am I going down with out smashing wrists or elbows or twisting to land on side . His feet were in a crossed position and I could not see where he attempted to brace that fall. I'm thinking that was calculated in the moment, but he didn't plan on the head crack.
Sucks for the people of Buffalo. And queue the crime spree...57 officers resign. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/06/05/buffalo-officers-suspended-shoving-man/
also file under "no good conversation with the wife ever begins with '...look, ..." Learn that phrase in other languages. It will expand both your horizons. "Que te dije" That's just my normal face. Or so She thinks. One thing I cannot stop myself from doing is rolling my eyes...and She haaaaates that. I have to turn around and somehow she still sees it.
I'm the eye roller and yes he has x-ray vision as well. God forbid I breath heavy because it is always a "Huff"..lol " Don't you huff at me! " ..habaha
It has nothing to do with sounding out a word for most. It is a product of " the minds eye" and poor typing. Especially if you read a lot. One reason I myself have to go back hours later to edit. I see what I know I typed as to what I typed. Stepping back a while then reading the errors are apparent.
Funerals. I hate going to funerals. An employee lost her younger brother in a motorcycle accident earlier in the week. I know the family pretty well. He was only 22. Very sad.
I find it rather frustrating , or maybe funny, I cannot decide, that with my birthday last week, I am now seeing an uptick in ads for Depends on the internet. Dear ad logarithm creators, I turned 37, not 73. Should I be proud that I skipped the phase of life that included the Viagra commercials? Try my FIL, he is a customer for adult diapers.
Possible. Maybe your wife was searching for he father... Done any geneology or 21 and me, lately? The other possibility is they have better intell than you do You may be able to clear cookies on the pc or go here: https://www.acxiom.com/about-us/privacy/acxiom-data-faq/