I've been lucky in that my dogs aren't active diggers. My poor neighbor down the road has a couple of dogs that must be professional mole hunters as her yard looks like a lunar landscape. I will say there seem to be a lot of moles this year.
Well according to this it was a hoax. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/securi...-protest-disinformation-bot-behavior-n1221456
What truth, the truth is you are a little too wound up about light hearted banter in the watercooler section.
America would be far better off if everyone, myself included, would spend less time on the internet, turning off the news (I don't watch it). Go outside, play with kids, have a drink with the neighbor, then go down to the next house and repeat.
The truth is I am not wound up about anything. Its a momentary mental respite from both my business and my job. Both of which have been fantastic this year. A windfall that I never dreamed of, and much needed by the way after inheriting the responsibly of my nieces college education that is quickly approaching.
This is getting ridiculous, woke up this morning and could barely walk and been that way most of day. Idk what i did to my knee but apparently it's just decided to hurt last few days. Last night and today has been the worst, I mean wth. I don't even know what I did to make it hurt in the first place. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
They weaved them in pretty nice, you can tell by the straight tar line. Ha Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Haha oh i didn't even notice. Maybe its flex seal, that stuff will keep a screen door boat afloat. I know you stock up on that stuff right? Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk