I can see what's on TV as well as the next guy; but I can't help but wonder how many of these fires are businesspeople who are way underwater due to COVID etc; look to their left, look to their right, kick over a can of gas, light a match, and walk away.
I used to have a pretty nice system in my last truck, isometric speaker boxes and what have you. When those trunk rattling idiots would pull up next to me I'd throw on some Drive By Truckers and act like a super honky with all the yee hawing and such.
The Twin Cities, what an embarrassment. People are driving around ignoring stop lights driving the wrong way on 1 way streets, no respect for society or social norms.
why would anyone want to live or do business in a city that has no ability, nor intent; to protect your life and/or property? That is literally the most basic purpose of government and they have utterly failed.
Law enforcement is out manned even with the national guard brought in. I will not be going to the city for dinner and a concert again.
Things to Know About Yourself (age 40+ edition) You are not going to eat 3 giant bacon wrapped cream cheese stuffed jalapenos Friday night and then spend the Saturday fishing in the kayak. It's just not going to happen.
Like hell I ain't! It's called chumming for catfish, slip off the boat, stock the brown trout and get on with it! Lol!
Especially if you're like me, 43 yo, and wash it down with half dozen tasty beers. Unless you want to name your kayak smooth moves, stay home and take your lumps/dumps. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
that's exactly what I am and what I did...stayed home. I was on the can 6 times before 11am. Still don't trust a fart.
It's been pretty horrific in my small town as well. Since we've reopened people have not been able to hold their liquor like they could in the past. It seems every weekend there are puddles of puke in the parking lots and the lawn. I hope their tolerances regain quickly! No looting or protesting to be seen so that's good.
Evidently the grocery store in town is closed today as well because of threats. It is a small town for god sake. Are you kidding me.
Yesterday I put the old boat in to make sure it ran well, just a quick trip on the water under 15 minutes. Get back to the boat ramp and I can't dock I had to circle and wait for two idiots one at the dock and one at the landing. If you do not maintain your equipment it will not start and you will booger it up for everybody else you dumb baystards.