gotta find it first. Actually either one of my dogs would probably kill it if they saw it. Much as I dislike cats; I really have no intention of killing it. Bad karma. kind of hoping the riots spread this way a bit...take care of that little cat problem for me.
Target!!! Damn, y’all got some high class looters up there. Last time we had looting in NC was during hurricane Florence and our looters chose to knock over the dollar store. It was a crew of four and they all made several trips to and from the store with as much loot as they could carry. They made off with something like $37 in merchandise. That’s a pretty impressive take when you consider that the most valuable item in the entire store was worth $1.
Any costs associated with fixing things will be taken out of the general budget which includes welfare and anything else.
Do you have any chinese restaurants nearby? Those usually have an employee or 2 that’s really good at catching stray cats. If it’s a fairly big cat and you let them keep it then they probably won’t even charge you.
I wonder if the University of Minnesota will ask for cops if this stuff starts happening on their campus.
We have people acting like they know so much and are better than everyone else, yet their logic is as dumb as a door nail.
if they can do that; what can't they do? Pretty chilling. The city has to arrest this cop before it gets much worse. Never want to give in to The Mob but the video is clear evidence of assault/unlawful use of deadly force at least. Book him on the lesser charge and supersede later with more serious charges if the evidence leads to that. Don't see how the officer hasn't been indicted/arrested on that yet. Oh, wait- grand jury is probably not in session. You know, because of these unprecedented times. MSNBC’s idea of a mostly peaceful protest! What, are they roasting marshmallows back there or something? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Brother we cant even tell the simple truth any more. Even when it is right in front of our eyes. Its pathetic.