I have actually started working variations of "in these uncertain times" into almost every conversation I have. "I'm not sure, but in these uncertain times it might not be a good idea to drink a quart of whiskey every night. Or maybe it's the best time. Not that me doing so is unprecedented; but now more than ever."
What is it about Targets that make them a uhhh target? I mean, I hate Target as much as the next red-blooded American man but there's not anything there worth stealing, so...
You stupid bastards wrecking the very things that support your communities with jobs economic opportunities and services
non-riot related rant... somehow a cat has snuck into my house and I can't find the damn thing. No joke. Last night I got exiled to the living room couch because I was snoring. So about 4 am I hear a yowling that sounded like it was coming from outside under the deck. No biggie, there is a non-stray yellow cat (has a collar) that belongs to some neighbor that is always creeping around in the woodline behind my house outside the fence so I figure that's it. I fall back asleep. Then about an hour later I'm about half asleep and hear something fall over in the basement, but the dogs must have also been startled by the noise and they come trotting over so I figured it was one of them screwing around down there (it's demoed and waiting to be re-finished.) Then later this afternoon, the wife asks me if I heard that yowling overnight and we talk about it. We're having dinner later and all of a sudden we hear distinct "YOWLLLLL" twice from the basement. I go downstairs and there are cat prints in the drywall dust on one of my step ladders and a nice little pile of cat poop right in the opening of the crawl space. I get a flashlight and look all over; can't find the damn thing but I do find more prints in the dust. We have just enough seasonal holiday and hunting junk in the crawl that it provides hiding places; and then the utility room...I seriously can't find the damn thing. Of course this happened after any stores that would carry live animal traps were long closed (in these unprecedented times.) I hope it didn't somehow squirm it's way into a wall or something. Otherwise I am going to be ranting about dead cat smell in about 2-3 days.
The protestors are claiming they out for "street justice" just try that **** out of the country, country justice is a little more swift and thorough.
Still saying a press release saying the bullets are no longer rubber would change behavior Not saying shooting a protestor is acceptable but you do damage damage will come for you.