Minnesota National Guard is doing free virus tests at armories this weekend. People are complaining about the long lines. Minnesotans are crazy if anything is free they will wait in line to get it.
This what I have and I am going to add a trolling motor this year. Gives me the ability to stand up and stretch my back and legs which makes kayaking a lot more enjoyable.
Its getting worse for me. More and more I am trying to find streams and rivers to wade. I like that better and that cold water seems to help the pain.
So up in the loft we have a built in bookshelf, behind the book shelf is storage, access is thru a removable panel. at some point during the night a mouse got caught in a trap. The trap was getting drug around it sounded like a squirrel. Needless to say you are not falling back to sleep with that ruckus going on. Get up fetch a flashlight and the cordless to remove the panel. Of course the mouse moved behind all the damn boxes behind the book shelf, by then the damn chihuahua became aware and felt that barking was helpful. Mouse was partially caught in the trap still very alive. Took the trap outside and dispatched the mouse, said the hell with it and put the coffee on no going back to sleep after that.
Nothing worse than a hyperactive driver who is orally manipulating a vape pen like a sexually confused pied piper.