Around here there are home retail companies that are, well, absentee landlords (which often does not work out well for neighbors)
@cantexian is not unusual for them to just vent into the attic, it is totally half a$$ but not against code or manufacturers specs. Bill has a good idea in running it out the eave but that's always fun being in an attic at the lowest point. What I do, I do not like "extra" penetrations in any roof so I look to run them into current ventilation using flex hose or if that is not possible I will install a Lamanko 750 box/turtle vent. We are currently roofing a bunch in Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale and Fayetteville. I have noticed the lack of good ventilation in Arkansas unless it's one of our roofs. We install a lot of Lamanko turbines. Dont get me wrong, I like ventilated ridge vent but it has limitations. Power vents are junk in this part of the country bc the motors burn out and solar power vents are just absolutley the worst idea ever in the southern half of the Country. Shoot me some pics and I can get ya lined out. So long as you have great ventilation you can just vent into the attic but I dont reccomend it.
Well we have 3 bids coming in the morning, 3 showings tomorrow. We have a full asking price offer, so the place is sold. I came home after being gone for 15 hours to find every closet door open and the door on the corn stove open. No more showings after tomorrow, done with people parading thru. Funny story one of the realtors that showed the house today represented the guy we beat out on the lake place. My son who is involved in commercial development and has his realtors license but does not sell suggested the escalator bid tactic that got us the lake place. An experienced realtor got beat by a tactic a city slicker suggested.
I have both that and the opposite problem. Current case in point- I'm removing all the drywall in the basement to re- do it all since the dumbasses who owned before me put fiberglass insulation behind it and the concrete w/ no vapor barrier...because basements never leak; and it also makes for awesome rodent accommodations. They actually put 16" on center studs in place, which was a pleasant surprise. Thing is they put a screw in every 10-12" all the way up and down every single stud. So there's about 4x as many screws vertically vs. horizontally; which basically means I get to tear off the drywall by breaking it into thousands of little chunks instead of whole or near-whole 4x8 sheets.
Wait. What? Are you saying the sheeting is hung vertically ie seams are running up the studs vs across??
Being a basment guy, I'll tell you they don't. Concrete won't crack either haha. I helped buddy redo his basement few years ago and sounds like same guy musta came down here. It was a mess and we ended up pretty much gutting whole basement and starting over. The insulation was so soaked and held moisture at times the plate boards and alot of the bottoms on the studs were rotten anyway. So if woulda known that goin in it woulda been alot easier job. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
sorry; I realize the wording on my original post was a bit confusing. ...Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. The ceiling is 8' high (being a basement and all) so I kind of get why they did that to minimize taping (negates the need for any horizontal tape/mud) but it sure as crap doesn't mean you gotta drive a screw in every foot or less all the way up each GD stud. Easily could have cut down on the screws by 75%. Now I not only had to break the drywall into little bits and remove all that crap; but I have to go back with my driver and take all those GD screws out one by one. You know the concept of a marital hall pass? I want one of those right now; only it's a 'Tonya Harding one person in your lifetime' hall pass.
almost 22" for the year already...average rain in Chicago area for this time is about 11"; and for the year only 38". Already halfway there and it's not even the rainiest time of year.
He was afraid of butt joints and traded that for the chance that the stud would twist and break his tapered joint. A high quality kiln dried stud would resist twisting better than the salt dried sh@t they started producing in the 90's (during the nation wide construction boom). Maybe he thought all the extra screws would keep the joints intact.
It's been a rainy two years, I had just reclaimed a section of the yard I could not mow last year due to rain. I got it caught cut, grass hauled away and planted seeds to fill it back in a bit. The wife was happy, it's now currently underwater again, screw it.
you know what else is retarded? Only about 2/3 of the basement footprint was finished; the rest is bare concrete (utility room/furnace/etc.) So they only put insulation behind the finished drywalled sections that but up into the foundation walls; ie only one corner of the total basement walls. What the hell was the point of that anyway? Why bother insulating at all; much less doing a half-assed job of it? if this was my floor plan (it's not; just a similar example) the rec room would be the only finished section and the red line would be the only part that was insulated. I want to drink just thinking about it and it isn't even noon yet.