It is only 1.12 acres of a gentle slope to the lake, the house is twice the square footage of the house I have now. I will be 18 miles from the daughters farm and I have permission to put plots where I want. It will be weird hunting, I am used to living where I hunt I watched the deer every day.
So yesterday I had to go to a different Menards, I went at lunchtime and there is a White Castle by the store and I thought what the heck it has been a while figure I would have some sliders. Never again evidently my memory was fonder than the actual product. I was reminded of the error of my ways several times last evening.
Did not have a White Castle in Duluth when I was going to college, we had to go to Coney Island for hotdogs instead.
This basically describes any Wal-Mart south of the Mason-Dixon Line. People will literally block entire aisles for 20 minutes and even when these same people aren’t blocking aisles, they just stroll along at a leisurely pace like they’re taking a walk in a park. I can only assume that these people must take 3-4 hours to finish their shopping. It drives me nuts. I generally avoid that place like the plague but occasionally it’s unavoidable. When I do have to go I make it a tactical mission to get in and out as fast as possible and without being seen by anybody I have to talk to. I generally try to go late at night or really early in the morning, basically between 10pm and 8am and I always make a shopping list then re-order the list according to the route I will be taking through the store. I find it’s best to start in guns & ammo because that lets me go ahead and get what I need there if the person who is behind the counter is free but also gives me the option to can circle back around on my way out If they’re nowhere to be found or just busy. Then it’s fishing, hardware, home goods, auto, electronics, grocery (working from back to front of store), and finally Lawn and Garden in that order. Generally speaking I can almost always make it out of there in under a half hour. If I’ve been inside for over 45 minutes then you should probably send in a rescue party to help me push the second shopping cart.
Got my pay cut a couple weeks ago... 7% of my salary for the next year. Then all my direct reports got a $2/hr raise for "hazard pay" the same day. Fun stuff ............ &%#holes
I was wondering ,not for the hunting but space. I figured you'd make sure you'd have a place to hunt. I was thinking how you'll handle the "tightness " of everyday lake life. Sounds like you found the place you'd hoped for so congrats on that. As far as the travel to hunt, think of all the great surprises in store. Thats why I like bow hunting camp. I never know whats around there.
I am at the end of a dead end road, and nobody can ever build next to me. The daughter has a basement that is like a second residence, can shower down there and not get anybodies way. We bought the place for the kids to enjoy the 80 mile commute is going to suck some days but quality of life when you get home is what I tell myself.
What little people skills I had are diminished! Making small talk with people face to face feels so awkward for some reason! Anyone else feel that way?
Normally I'm over polite,says my family,and much time lost. Now I have a difficult time not just running away or totally ignoring the initial contact attempt. Usually encounters way to long leave me pondering things and or amused, now I'm exhausted and irritated.
Some idiot just stopped the microwave in the break room and tried to pull my lunch out to reheat his styrofoam cup of coffee. I guess he is too blind to see me standing four feet away waiting for it to finish. Yes, grown man old enough to be my father, a man half your age just dad-voiced your pathetic ass. Mind your manners, You are not the hot shot You think you are.
Was supposed to be schmoo. Favorite term from this guy at work. "I will not be the schmoo that"'s a New York thing. Maybe our resident New Yorkers can correct my spelling.
I just told him not to touch my food. The way I said it made him jump. The lady eating at a nearby table started laughing. I get the impression that nobody likes this guy. Since he works for the school district and I do not, I do not care what he thinks.