I'll admit it; I did it once. But the break-away worked. I used my card to pay at the pump, got back in car to finish a phone call and completely spaced out. Drove off and heard a "doink" As I'm walking inside the cashier is yelling into the back office "had another pull off!" So I guess it happens fairly frequently. Embarrassing as hell though.
I assume that you were not driving a police car at the time as the video didn’t make it onto YouTube?
my rant for the day- woke up to find the battery in the Uverse remote blew up, leaked ad melted it beyond use. Have to order a new one. At least the wife put the remote on the glass top end table and not the couch. so no TV today and tomorrow unless it's in the bedroom...guess that means I have to spend the weekend outside.
There’s a glitch in the matrix... It was 46 degrees and sunny in Nome, AK today. And it’s been freezing cold and snowing here nonstop! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I don't have Comcast, but I used to and the house is wired for it. The junction box sits right at the corner of the property shared with 1 other neighbor. I have a fence, he does not. I mow with a pushmower; the neighbor is an older guy and has a service do it and they zoom around in a standup grasshopper on a tiny little 1/3 acre lot. Anyway...mowing today and I see that the Comcast cable is exposed and cut- on my side of the property. I know for a fact it wasn't me. Thing is; this summer I was going to figuratively cut the cord from AT/T Uverse and just go Comcast for internet only and stream all my TV. Here's my rant...I am sure they'll try to ding me for running over/cutting the cord.
I did that to the neighbors, lol. I paid to have it fixed though and owned up to it. Dude cut the cored 8 years ago!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When we first started talking about moving I was reluctant I wanted to stay on the ranch, I loved it here. Now a month later and spending every waking moment cleaning up, painting, recarpeting etc, I hate this old farmhouse I can not wait to see the sold sign.