Maybe its bc I'm sipping some strong shine but I'm thinking of a guy I befriended as a patrol officer many years ago. One day I was at a 711 and forgot my wallet. This man who lived a real hard life paid for my food and drink bc I had forgot my wallet. I was shocked. Weeks later I returned the favor. Several years later I was on the job and I saw my friend at around midnight and said hi. Woke up about 8am that morning and found out he had been burned to death in a structure fire. This crap storm of life is untair is unyielding. RIP brother.
I built stations for years and pumps have break always so if there is a drive off all you would do is snap that at around 30 lbs of pressure. That also has one and the pump door and panel are pulled off. So I'll have to say... Fail
Watched a guy in a camaro try and cool guy his way out of the gas station, nozzle still attached. He must of thought everyone was thinking "aww man, that's a really cool loud car!" as they tried to get his attention.
Snow, snow sticking and freezing. My star magnolia had flowered and now !ooks like it has thousands of brown turds hanging off it's branches. My apples ,plums pears and peaches are all looking pretty rough. Hadn't blossomed yet but buds had swollen and I fear froze. Going to 23 tonight.
BTW, Can I blame this on the virus? I mean with all our " bad" habits being gone for months. Did ma nature clean her self up to the point of no more Global warming? Has the Earth temp changed yet? Is this what May should look like? I can't remember the last May I turkey hunted in snow gear. Will I be planting the garden in June like I have 20 years ago...hhhmmmm Oh No say it ain't so! Is AOC's green new deal circling the bowl?what ever will she whine about now? Oh that's right skin