He will return home hungry and sore his wife will give him the look and say you spent how much on what?
Drudge linked to that article yesterday and I laughed my ass off at the mental picture of this guy trying to figure out how to get a fully intact elk, guts and all, onto the back of a horse. There is way this guy knows he is supposed to gut it and even if he does he is definitely going to chicken out when he realizes he has to go shoulder deep into the chest cavity to cut the windpipe and throat. How did this guy even manage to get a tag? Does New Mexico not require A hunting license and hunters safety to apply for a tag. I feel like somebody at some point during the whole process of getting a license and applying for a tag would’ve stepped up and suggested that maybe an elk isn’t the best choice for somebody’s first hunt, especially if you’re planning on a DIY solo hunt. I actually know what I am doing and would still have some second thoughts about whether I could get an entire elk field dressed, broken down, and packed out without a second set of hands to help out.
Well..... from the sound of things he got most of his hunting knowledge and experience by playing Oregon trail so actually that might be one of the few potential hazards that he is prepared for. He also has contingency plans for the loss of an oxen or a broken wagon axle and he is bringing lots of wagon caulk and petty cash for hiring Indians in case he needs to cross any rivers.
People who planted their gardens early and bought flower plants and put them in the ground, now complaining because there is going to be another freeze in Minnesota. You planted things too early, you gambled and lost stop whining.
Based on soil temp they may not have enough exposure to be frost burned. Think things close to the soil will be fine.