Just because you find a couple thousand of bills in a coffee can in the garage I forgot we are not Ozark. My son found 20 100's I forgot about in a coffee can in the garage, this was before I put cash in the deep freezer. Lucky he checked the can before he chucked it. He said WTF Dad
So emptied one garage and some outbuildings over the weekend. I came to the realization that I may have some hoarding issues. Buckets, especially plastic 5 gallon buckets, gas cans as well and I can not throw away a metal coffee can, I have 6 outboards but a dozen outboard gas cans.
The mercury tanks are 6 gallon, the one honda can is 4 gallons the OMCs are 5 gallon but I also have one 3 gallon mercury can.
So in today's work conference call we planned to reopen the university fitness center next Monday under limited operations...but I am still going to be playing at teaching PE Wednesday - Friday at the cluster of a daycare? I am the manager but I am not returning to my normal work duties three days per week. Instead someone from the marketing department is going sit my front desk these days. I wonder if my job is trying to push me out the door? I am fed up with this crap. If this shutdown was for anything other than a pandemic I would be resigning. Health insurance for my wife and kids in the only reason I am even bothering at all. I have six months worth of living expenses in my saving account. Aside from health insurance, I can handle being without work for quite awhile before applying for unemployment. I have tried being patient and a team player with this. But it is not worth the stress and frustration I am bring home with me.
First 6 paragraphs of this article have me concerned https://news.trust.org/item/20200503201301-b2ikz
Even a cow...this just reads 'cluster' And rodeo: "Elliot plans to borrow a rifle and maybe even a horse to carry the elk back to his vehicle after the hunt..."
Elliot is going to learn firsthand why it's called hunting.. But good to know that the numbers of hunters will go up, we need those inexperienced hunters out there pushing those deer.. or at least I do!
Trending on the twits, a video of a child singing the song she wrote "I wonder what is in your butt hole" Brilliant.
Me thinks Elliot will shoot his eye out and lose at least half the meat due to having no clue what to do with a dead elk should he miraculously manage to kill one with his prius and not die himself in the process.