The Arkansas Department of Corrections announced that is is going to recommend to the State Parole Board to release 1244 prisoners due to the concern about COVID-19 infection rates. I thought at least the states in the south would have more sense than the coastal lunatics. They are in prison for a reason. Screw that, leave them there and the prison system will get some relief without risking the safety of the productive members of society. Hopefully, the governor will realize he will screw his reelection chances if he actually allows it. No matter how you look at it, government on all levels has hurt more than it has helped during this pandemic.
They released a rapist in NY that went right out and sexually assaulted another woman. I would spend every second of the rest of my life sueing everyone, but plotting some God awful revenge on several people.
The LA Lakers get bail out money? Really? We adding trillions to the national debt to give to the LA Lakers. I was not pissed that I don't get a check but I am now.
Apparently one really pissed the neighbors off when they run over the cable box junction with a 1000 lb roller.
Michael Moore has a new movie out called Planet of the Humans. The film points out the hypocrisy of the green movement. Can not believe Tubby went after one of the liberals scared cows.
Sattelight internet issue suck while working from home when the VP calls for a password reset.. My rant.. Country internet providers and services are slower than molasses on a cold day! And expensive for what you get!
A buddy of mine has Hughesnet and it’s the biggest joke I’ve ever seen. Pays like $200/mo and it’s fairly quick for the first few days each month until he hits his monthly allotment of 8GB And it reverts to dial up speed. Also has no cell service so can’t use a WiFi hotspot. The worst part about it all is that he has centurylink DSL in his neighborhood and when he built his house he actually paid them like $8,000 to run the wiring all the way down his 2.5 mile driveway to the house and they did it without raising any issues. Then once he moved in he called them out to get the service connected and they tell him they can’t do it because you can only run DSL wires a maximum of 1,500 feet from the network box and since his wires were 2.5 miles long they were basically useless. He even looked into setting up the centurylink router in an enclosure at at the end of his driveway since he has electrical power up there and then running a fiber optic ethernet connection to the house but that fell through when he discovered that the centurylink just buried the dsl wire instead of installing it in conduit as agreed (he was planning on removing the copper wire and reusing the conduit to pull the fiber) and it wasn’t going to be feasible to dig a new trench for various reasons.