So I went to Cains people tell me how great their tender are, nah not that good. I know some people like their tenders crispy but if I wanted damage to the roof of my mouth I will eat Capt. Crunch.
It seems like half of the 25-50 aged women in my hometown are some sort of nursing profession. I'm willing to bet i've seen probably 50% of them on snapchat/facebook etc.,. at larger gatherings in the last 3 weeks. These are the same people sharing stuff on Facebook daily about stay home this, stay home that..
Social distancing. Flatten the curve. We can beat this together. Celebrities documenting their covid sickness online. People driving with masks on in their car....when they are the only person in the car. Signs that read..."attention, due to the covid outbreak only one role of toilet paper. Social distancing. We can all do this together. Flatten the curve". SHUT UP
That is my favorite one in bold(expand to see) and today while going to the fish market the guy behind the counter yelled at a guy for getting to close. I was standing on the spot thinking I used to laugh at the soup nazi episode now it's my life. Fish ready he sets on counter takes two steps back, then I am allowed to get fish.
The mask thing is cracking me up here at work. They have not handed out masks, won't take one when they do, but people have brought in their own and bandanas. Half of them look like desperados and all of them look like dumbasses. Half the time they are pulling them down under the chin because it's too humid to wesr constantly, the other half wear them over the mouth only. Take their dirty hands and pull it back up or pull it down. It's a complete mental thing, I am convinced of that. They feel safer with a mask around their neck than without one. Our stay at home order expires in 9 days, I don't see how Pritzker can extend it statewide. People will flip out even further if he does. Spring has sprung, cabin fever is coinciding with spring fever and most do not have an actual fever. If he keeps it going for the northeast corner of the state, he would need to somehow have a travel restriction for it to work, otherwise he'll just cause it to spread. Without a travel restriction, he may as well just extend it statewide and piss everyone off regardless.
We have some really great masks. Guys driving sports cars with colored lights driving with matching colored masks. It's really cute.
Had a guy walk into work wearing the bandanna, I said what's up frito bandito, he had no idea what the hell I was talking about.
The one lone virus particle floating through the wind, beating 55550000 x mega lottery odds, and finds it's way to you while driving =everyone wants you dead including someone above.
I thought the same thing actually as I watched more cars pull up and go inside. No worries for thee, no worries for me. Like I said before, in 5 years we'll be looking back on this feeling suckered. Then when the next scare emerges we'll be hearing it's not worse than the Wuhan Flu(will be politically correct after Trump is term limited, unless he pulls a sneaky ) and that wasn't even worse than the common flu.
I have also noted a new term being used by Dr. Birx recently. "False positives" how many of those are in the daily tallies?
Thinking about retirement, like tomorrow. No less than 10k jobs will be lost in the oilfield today and tomorrow. Which means about 40% of the claims I facilitate this year will be pocketed by homeowners looking to pay off debt instead of fixing that roof. I've seen it before, lots of insurance fraud, deductibles getting paid by desperate idiots and people just out to deceive. Why bother.
When is the real-estate market going to crash? Kinda getting impatient. Wanted to be in a lake place by the 4th of July.
All these politicians and celebrities. Bunch of heads. Mouths open at all times, marketing themselves and whatever they are getting paid to hype. Wake up America. They suck.
Trump just said he will ask them tongive the money back, they should not have gotten it and they will repay it.