Dang it! Today while scouting I Thought I finally found my Confederate army war bunker full of gold ..dang it. I started to call all my dead relatives to tell them our 300 yr family financial curse was over. Lol....then found out it was Just some broke up concrete. Haha.
Harvard getting 9 million in money from the CARES act. WFT!!! Nearly 41 BILLION in their endowment fund and they need bail out money?
Explain. Because they have an endowment? If so, what exactly are the terms and conditions or mandates for use of both the endowment and govt monies? I'm not a lawyer, so if you could explain for simpletons like me, I'd be grateful.
DQ also used to have good chicken strips/tenders about 25 years ago (for a national chain/franchise). I haven't tried them since, but when the wife was prego with our second, it was a regular stop.
Idiot medical school students sneaking each other into buildings to avoid the screening checkpoints on campus. These are actions of your future doctors. See the problem yet?
My nurse neighbor across the street had a 30th birthday party Sunday. Had 10-20 people in and out all day/night. Went on from about 1pm to 2am. I'm sure there were other nurses in attendance as well, no social distancing or anything. Just a bunch of dolts drinking.