:D Good luck! Maybe related, I heard lottery revenue (across most games) is really down...though your odds suck, at least you would have a better chance of not spltting the big jackpot games. Fwiw-if I win, I disavow all knowledge of y'all. I'll be buying a huge piece of property with a moat (maybe gators) or wall... Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk
Not so much a rant as a rave. Third shipment from these folks and this fish is amazing. Although they figured out a fancy name for black cod- sablefish.. still delicious.
Hey now, I hope the kid falls in love with soccer, I would love to watch you go nuts when they call offside and you go crazy!!!
I am not that guy, I coached and refed wile it was football and basketball I never got into it with a ref, I may explain a rule but as a spectator I shut up.
That's because you know the rules, soccer offside call or no call has sent many of "not that guy" into "that guy".
Went to Bills Superette a small minesota chain of gas station and small grocery. They have the best chicken tenders ever. I ate 2 of them on the way back to the house but I saved my wife one, she was very impressed as well.
No I did save her one, I gave it her she was skeptical because it was gas station food but it was gone pretty quick and she was still holding the grandson.
People who schedule meetings at a certain time, who then 'give it a few more minutes for folks to join.' Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk
Bill's in Royalton is awesome has bait, fishing tackle and rods, groceries, deli and soon a liquor store. I never saw them out of TP either.
Still could be, the ones around here have all kinds of equipment. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Well my odds of catching COVID just increased drastically. Apparently HR doesn't think I am doing enough work from home so starting next week, I have been reassigned to play daddy daycare for children of the medical staff at the hospital that do not childcare because the governor ordered all schools and daycares closed. Apparently, because I work in fitness, that makes me the perfect person to teach PE. Because there are not any actual PE teachers sitting at home doing nothing right now.
We have that all the time. Few years ago did a job and got it all done, the ppl wanted the fancy stamped and colored concrete patio but didn't like our price so we settled with just colored concrete. Job was all done and they decided they really didn't like it after everything then told us a guy said he coulda did it for 500 bucks. We said call him next time then. With crete being 120 a yard and the whole job being probably 30 or 40 yards told him we do enough work didn't need practice doin it for free. He got pissed and tried suing saying we messed up stuff. Per our lawyer his own lawyer finally started laughing and told the guy he was a idiot during one of the first meetings. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk