Ranting about real estate and myself. You make an offer and it is the first offer on the place and the seller says no. You made what seemed like a logical market reflecting bid and the guy just said no and that is frustrating. Listing the ranch in the next 2 weeks, I am sure as heck not taking the first bid.
Funny the first bid we got on the ranch we took they backed out, I was pissed. A day later a guy came along with a higher offer and cash, so sometimes it works out. My sister offered on a house and they said no, a month later they came back and said they would accept. My sister took 10k off her asking price and they took it. You never know!!
I am glad the first guy did not take our bid, it lead us to re evaluate and adjust. What we really want and that takes more $ but in the end it will probably be the last home we buy.
After reading about the many horror stories about buy/selling homes, I have decided that should I ever decide to sell my home, I will need to create a check list/rules list of sorts. 1. If the broker wants to be able to represent me as the seller, there are unable to also represent the buyer unless the commish drops to say 1.5-2% 2. Don't bring me anyone who is not preapproved for the listed price. 3. Do not bring me stupid offers with the contingency the buyer needs to sell their house first. 4. Earnest money will be 5% if I get to leave the home on the market while the buyer goes through inspection, 10-15% if they require me to take it off market. No money to be returned after inspection period unless a serious deficiency is found. (that ain't going to happen)
I just had a competitor call and ask how in the world I got a job he had bid on. He said he knew he was lower than my bid for the same product and he was lower by about $3500. I told him, unlike you I value my work and it shows. Why he would want/think that doing a job cheaper is an attractive sales point in beyond me but I can tell you that desperation is a stink you cant wash off.
Got mine yesterday. Straight to the savings account to remain untouched until this is over or is actually needed. If we make it through this without needing it, my kids college funds get a boost.
Mine will sit in the bank as well. Just in case. I am essential at my employer so unless they close the doors which I doubt, I will be OK. After that it goes toward the concrete projects we had anticipated doing this year.
#1 is called dual agency and it is illegal in some states. Even if it is legal in your state it’s definitely something to avoid. A lot of brokers will refuse to do it in the first place because it’s a lawsuit waiting to happen and a lot of the insurance companies who write liability and E&O insurance policies for real estate agents and brokers will include an exclusion for any dual agency transactions. I had a friend who was looking for a house a while back and happened to look online and saw a house that they really liked. Their broker hadn’t shown it to them because she was the sellers broker but when they asked her about it she took them over and showed it for them and thats the house they decided to buy. The broker actually ended up making them go out and get a different broker to represent them in the transaction.
Legal in WI. There are actually 2 ways to go about it. Designated agency allows the broker to assign a second realtor to represent the buy. Each realtor is supposed to represent their client that benefits that client even at the expense of the other realtors client. All information is supposed to be confidential. The other way is multiple representation (dual agency). In this one, one or two agents represent the buy and seller. Neither is allowed to offer advice for their client to gain advantage over the other. In other words, be a neutral party. They are only supposed to create contracts per their clients wishes. The thing I find amusing with this one is that there is no mention of confidentiality.
Yesterday was just awesome right up to the point where the trailer tounge snapped in half while towing my UTV. Luckily I was able to get whoaded up an not do any major damage to the truck or the UTV. I had went to the farm to setup ground blinds for Turkey opener next Wednesday, do a little mushroom hunting and fishing. Was successful at all three and was looking forward to fresh shrooms and bluegill filets for dinner when my mini disaster happened. Lucky I was going any faster when it happened or it could have been nasty! 3 hours later I made it back to the house with the aid of a borrowed log chain an a slow 10 mph tow of the broken trailer. Now I'm looking at trailer repair that needs done soon so I can go Turkey hunting?
Sorry on break, congrats on shrooms and bluegill. Wow can I come turkey hunt with you? A farm where you need a UTV to get a turkey out of the woods must be fantastic!...jk. Good luck
At my age I no longer want to walk the mile and half to get back to my hunting spots. Not to mention all the hills and hollers to cross to get there. Not a fun walk carrying a bag of dekes, gun or bow, and backpack.
Lol.got it I live on a hill as well and our camp is on the side of a hill. When I take my hikes if going across the hill I have to turn and come back the same way . Over time one leg may get longer than the other. The Hopalong Cassidy syndrome..jk Besides I know a nice tom isn't the lightest thing hauling up a hill or across one for that matter.
Got to the daughters this morning, picked up the grandson to head to the living room, went around the couch and there is was right in the middle of the room I see a soccer ball. I asked my daughter what the hell is going on with the soccer ball? Evidently it is the dogs toy, I was very relieved.
Never too early to start watching old hockey games with him. Start with anything Gordie Howe or Bobby Orr
Ain't nothing wrong with socccer! Love watching my kids play, although I only have one left in soccer. My oldest should have stuck with it as she was really good. My 11 yr old is pretty darn good as well and is just starting to hit her stride with travel soccer. On a side note, I'm really hoping I find an old civil war bunker full of gold on my property so I can get this....