Holy cow it's a blizzard out there now...sounds like a freight train going through the woods and the wind if causing cold spots in the house. Glad I still have the studs on car...though with no place to go...lol
OK first the zanies started complaining about light pollution, nobody called them out on it, now they have evolved to light trespassing to heighten their victim status.
The neighbors cat decided to use the foam flooring in our brand new Yamaha jet boat as a scratching post today. There are two spots like that, he tore up a pretty good section in total. That darn tomcat is very fortunate to be a family pet. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Yeah, I just found similar marks in the back the jetski and a few orange cat hairs... thankfully he didn’t rip up any of the seats. I’m super pissed now! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Enough to know he doesn’t give a rip. I just covered both of them up, they should be fine now. If he decides to go after the covers then I will be patching the holes with his hide! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Will that statement stand when it gets hot and you start smelling his spray? PS..Once he starts that, he'll never stop.
I pretty much hate cats. Much as I love dogs and don't trust people who don't like dogs; I really don't like cats. That being said, there's been a big tom(?) tabby cat roaming around just outside the backyard fence off and on for about a year now. My dog goes berserk every time he sees it and I was determined to make it disappear until this afternoon when I looked out back through my home office window and saw said cat with a big mouse in its maw walking through the weeds...them damn mice have been wreaking havoc on my house off and on since I bought it. Had 3 different pros come in and while they can trap and poison them to no end they always come back and we can't figure out how they get in. So...outside feral cat gets to keep doing what he does.
Not liking our forecast for today thru Monday. High winds and rain on the weekend. Depending on the model, it would be a little or a lot. Then on Sunday, it turns to snow. Again, it could be a little-2" or a lot-12-14" We are so close to that boundary that who knows. My yard is raked up. Don't want to fire up the snow blower but next weeks temps are for mid 30's.
Yes, that statement will stand. I would never want to hurt someone’s pet. I remember some that kid shot my cat in the head with a pellet gun when I was young. I cried for a few days over that, the cat ended up surviving. But still, I wouldn’t want to do that to someone else. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Hard to believe I was out in the boat earlier in the week wearing a t shirt, now cold and snow forecasted? April is the new March.