Not a rant, but worl has decided to do a soft close Friday thru Monday for a thorough facility cleaning. Some critical parts will still need ran but was an option to take it off or volunteer and may or may not work. One upped them, took a vacation day for tomorrow and Monday amd leaving at 2pm today. Monday is first season turkey opener here and I have a tag. I'll be live from the stand/ground then.
I'd be furious. My heart rate went up just reading that, cant imagine how pissed you are. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app But he certainly can, and most likely will, shoot from the hip.... probably when he least expects it too.
Go chain the gate shut with your own padlock on your side of the property. That would piss me off as well. Do you have a habitat deal with your DNR? They have something like that here in IL, not sure how it works but maybe conservation can het involved as well?
Work bought a new 3/4 ton work truck and gave it to a guy who only runs errands and collects garbage. Now hes pissing and moaning because upper management is getting a hitch so we can use it to haul heavy equipment. He'll get a older truck to drive and doesnt want it.
Yes, I collect a check for keeping it in CPR. I've been nice with this guy, his dad used to lease it a long time ago, but he keeps pushing it. Already padlocked the gate this afternoon, first thing I did. I'm doubting they come back but I have contacted my lawyer and plan on hitting the dope in his pocket book. He owns about 8 acres on my northern edge, you know owns a house next to some ground so he acts like its included. I'm honestly just dumbfounded he thinks what he did is somehow alright. Nucking futs. I bet he'd be the quickest to sue me if his inbred nephew's had a accident. Bunch of culty church of god pickleforkers, eyes are so close together you could hit both of them with a pickle fork, inbred.
Never piss and moan about a free work truck. Hell I'll drive a beat up Datsun from the eighties as long as it blows cold air and I'm not paying for it.
For who!? Me or the guy that sued me for some sorta malicious intent!? I've already discussed something similar with my lawyer, he said it's a no go. I was just going to put in a 2x6 with some big old nails and secure it with some rebar.
awful tough to prove who dropped it there; with all them damn trespassers walking around your property.
I will however leave my calling card, a 25# box of 1 3/4" roofing nails at the base of his driveway. Then drive to the two closest tire shops and pay them double to not repair said victim's tires.