I love these businesses and all their puppets amongst the politicians. When times are good they gouge Americans and scheme to make as much money off us as possible. No problem, this is America and a person needs to be a smart consumer. During the good times are these business donating money to the local school systems to help their underprivileged students pay off their lunch bills? No. Do they each take turns helping pay for the local homeless shelters? No. But when they start losing their money they get their politician puppets to intertwine their financial success with the survival of the local communities economy. Like we should all feel bad for them when they struggle. Give them tax dollars to hold them up, make people feel bad so they go and spend money on that business. Devils in disguise.
What's funny but not funny is people making 10-20 dollars an hour are expected to have 4-6 months of savings to survive, but billion-dollar corporations get bailed out if they are forced with no income for same time.
We just finished the last ground venison out of the freezer, I have 1 back strap left. I could use some thoughts and prayers. No more horn hunting passing on doe next year.
Funny seems the attitude has changed. The TP shortage has helped us relearn that the basic needs can be met by filling the freezer. I will shoot a doe on opening day.
I have already had ppl calling me and asking me if I have deer left. Needless to say I'll be taking 8 deer legally this year. I usually kill 5 and I'm good for in-laws friends and family.
County recommending no raises this upcoming fiscal year..we finally started getting raises again two yrs ago and now back to this crap. It's the right thing to do but after working for this county for 15 yrs and have financial freezes half that time it isnt a lot of fun.
You gotta admit, dude must be smooth to pull that one off. I've been out in the garden all day and havent even turned on the tv today but knowing these lame a$$ news stations here, it's all we are going to hear about for the next three days in between covid updates.
Turkey season opens Saturday, it’s been raining for the past 47 years, maybe I can score some morels this weekend too. We have regular beef in the fridge/freezer, but we’ve grown accustomed to the venison taste.
we forgot to pull anything out of the freezer this AM and so we met at the grocers on our way home from work. Both us us decided that we hadn't had burgers in a while so we bought some grass fed ground beef (amongst other essentials like coffee, fruit, some greens, and Templeton's Rye.) Halfway through our home-grilled double cheeseburgers with a side of C-19; the old lady says "you should have pulled some ground venison out." Game on, Honey. Game on.
Well I am sick of it, athletes and celebrities saying we are all in this together, no we are not. Everyday working people are going about their business grateful to still have a job and a paycheck, while the famous do what they do best seek attention and praise for playing a game or pretending to be somebody else.
Pissed off I should be sitting at the Loon Cafe having biscuits and gravy and a Grain Belt prepping for the Twins home opener.