Yeeooouch!!!!! I know that don't feel good as I've broke my pinkie toes 3 times by stubbing them on objects. Try casting that! Hope you heal quick.
That's exactly what happened to mine several years back. Could hear the snap, like a dry branch. Toe was pointed 90* from normal.
This virus is perfect for America. We all love to play the blame game and get all better than thou and act like we can beat a .1 micron size virus. Politics at its finest is alive and well. The media loves it. Its like a real life reality show and our leading actor is Donald Trump, Cuomo, and all the other turds.
The county... government? Just trying to understand why that might be...aren't government services necessary?
In the grand scheme of things, very few of the “services” the government provides are truly necessary. They can pretty much shut down everything other than police, fire, and services that support civil infrastructure (water, sewer, roads, etc) without really having that much of an effect. Particularly now since most people are under stay at home orders. For instance in my county, I can’t imagine that there is much going on right now at the department of libraries, soil and water conservation dept., parks and recreation, council on aging, dept of watershed protection, Hispanic liaison, dept. of recycling information & outreach, the convention and visitors bureau, department of veterans affairs, or the dept of environmental health (which is different the actual health dept - the environmental health one deals with well, septic tank, and restaurant permitting/inspections - all of which are effectively shut down at the moment) And really the actual health dept in my county could pretty much close up shop too if they wanted to, except for maybe keeping one or 2 people around to forward info from state and cdc to the rest of the county govt. They aren’t seeing any patients in their clinic due to Coronavirus and honestly even if they were they don’t exactly have a stellar reputation in this county. In fact, if it came down to it and I personally needed medical care and for some reason my regular doctor and the local hospital were no longer an option then I would try and talk my dogs veterinarian into helping me out before I even considered going to the health department.
I tried InstaCart for the first time today, as my wife is going mental if anyone steps outside. What really bothers me is the constant emails when they don't have items, holy cow. I think I'll take the punishment from wife and go out next time.