All these memes going around how conservatives hate socialism but now begging for a handout. Firstly, an economic stimulus package has been used several times, in the not so distant past, by Bush and Obama. It's supposed to be a quick boost to jump start the economy again. I'm not for it right now, maybe later but the market is too volatile right now. Secondly, while opposed to one at this time, let alone two(or AOC/Bernie's 12), it is nowhere near what Bernie and AOC want for a permanent staple. Look at how much this will cost for a one or two time package, now, imagine how much this will cost if implemented for life.
So here's a question. Why do we shut down schools, ban bars and dining areas, limit social distancing, close public buildings and whatever other counter measures we are taking using a 14 day duration as the "key", yet we release prisoners without a report back by date?
Looks like those 2 boxers are trained to act exactly like.... boxers. Bet they did 2 or 3 “zoomies” as soon as they finished decorating. (For those who don’t own Boxers look up “boxer zoomie” on YouTube for an example)
Hell, why weren't they put on an ankle bracelet? Honest enough to be let out, should be honest enough to return. Right?
Well tally one up for Oklahoma. A 55 year old man has passed due to the Covid19. I know I've been on the making fun of this train but only being ten years away from 55 kinda makes a fella think.
Those with existing conditions have a higher mortality rate, but this is not exclusive to those with conditions. And this includes cardio vascular (heart or lung conditions - copd, afib, asthma, smokers, etc more risky), diabetics, immune system probs, etc Effectively this thing quickly turns to a pneumonia-like condition with you lungs filling with fluid /congestion... (Which is why the ventalator /respirators are key to weathering.) Also why you need to get medical help/guidance if you start showing respiratory conditions.
Headed to get my daughter to at Michigan State, not the way we wanted it to end for her freshmen year. I can't complain, 4.00 GPA so far, Dean's list, future star award, and multiple awards and scholarships. Was selected by the Society of Women in Engineering to go to New York end of March(canceled). She worked for the MSU IT department 15 hours a week also. She took care of her classes, admin stuff and handled all her college affairs without help from mom and dad. She's handled covid-19 deal like a champ, she had to stay later due to a lab. She started her life in 2001 a crazy year, she started her journey to be an adult 2020, good luck kid
Well it's official, the ABC store will be closing for a month starting at the end of business today. North Carolina is weird in that they've got a state ABC board as well as individual ABC Boards in each county so not sure if its statewide policy or just Chatham County, but theyre definitely shutting down in this county and if you're in another county you probably wanna check with your stores to see if you need to stock up today too.
Speaking of which, heard on the news this morning that a brewery, didn't catch which if mentioned, had shut down their alcohol vat and switched to making hand sanitizer.
Home depot does not keep appliances in store the new wash machine shows up next Thursday. I did order the more expensive one the Mrs wanted.