We were talking bout that at work other day and guy work with was like "eh I just get into shower and hope it goes down the drain." Concrete driver got back in his truck and wouldn't talk to that guy rest of the time he was on jobsite. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Sota would need a 2 headed shower install, a toilet as you described, and a foot bath full of Hylex to scrub out his ass- holeness Come on Sota, that's gotta be worth a " Like"?
We were out of town few years back and he told the kid he was sharing room with same thing. For the rest of the time we were there the kid came to another room to shower. It's kind of a running joke at work anymore ha Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Coworkers are stealing the toilet paper from the stalls at work. This crap is getting ridiculous, no pun intended.
Decided to go ahead and take my cayenne capsule, 900 mg, this morning instead of after lunch. I normally do my MCT oil in my coffee during the morning as I did this morning. As I sit here on my throne, I'm here to tell you do not mix your MCT oil, coffee and cayenne. Thank god for the bidet.
I dont know about that. I have good blood pressure, low cholesterol and my arteries have good flow to them. I take MCT oil, cayenne, turmeric and a mushroom supplement (turkey tails) and my doctor has yet to prescribe any of that big pharma phooey. So must be something to it.
I still am not on rx drugs either I take skoal and beer, works for me. Heck I only need reading glasses.
It could have been a emergency ha. But I agree and unfortunately think we're only seeing the beginning. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk