That's what I exactly I told my family last night. My wife started laughing and told the girls to pee in the shower.
They just canceled my youngest daughter's big soccer tournament. Any time now and these schools are done
Funny my employer has canceled all travel, they have not notified the guy that does about 80% of all business travel for the business.
My wife teaches one day per week for a local home school organization. They cancelled school today and will not resume until April. Arkansas had its first confirmed case yesterday. I am expecting that the fear-mongering will inevitably lead to my kids getting an early and prolonged spring break. The University of Arkansas in Fayetteville moved to online classes yesterday. However, things are still business as usual here at UAMS. A medical school and hospital isn't panicking, go figure.
The wife and I had dinner at 21C, the hotel the Jazz were at. Wife is at warp speed in freakout mode. We were at the game when they cancelled it. I just put an ad out looking for housekeepers, maids and janitors. My dad always said peoples stupidity was the best profit margin of all so I am going to start a house cleaning service. It's weird how this has worked out but due to the recent purchase of a warehouse, we have a ton of cleaning supplies.
Was telling hubby about all this TP ridiculousness, corn cobs and such. He laughed and said I'm not wiping my arse with a corn cob! We have 12 healthy chestnut trees in the living room and two big figs. If figs were good enough for Adam and Eve,they're good enough for me..Hahaha
I’ve been looking at this Corona scare all wrong. I gotta go to the archery shop and stock up on a few things. If things get worse who knows when I’ll be able to get arrows next? Mine as well stop by Cabelas and pick up that ruger 10/22 I’ve had my eye on. Make sure to capitalize on this guys! We only get a good virus scare every 2-4 years. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
If all else fails, beat on it with a hammer... If that fails, go get a bigger hammer and whack it harder.... If that fails, go find somebody stronger to whack on it for you...
Whelp, all the students are being sent home effective at Noon. They will be moving to online classes until at least Monday. Employees still have to work though. Still only one confirmed case in the entire state in another city 50 miles away. So, unless there are more that are not yet announced, panic gets another win.
At this point you just can’t keep track of everything that is ****ting down. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I guess we know why there is a TP shortage Couple k-8 schools are closing, APSU is going to online classes.
Lived at my house for 25 years, never a problem with the well. I go out of town and the well pump fails.
My wife called a well driller to come on out. The guy is telling me that he can't use his rig to pull the pump and he has to hand pull and it will take a full day. I explained to the guy that I worked for the company while I was going to college and the I have the president of the companies cell number, so back the rig in and get it done.