Not in this family sons 34 with a 4 yr. and 20 month old I was 28 when I had him. SIL had her first of 3 at 35.
OMG ! How did the human race EVER make it before the industrial revolution? Holy cow what did woman do? Oh no can you imagine no pampers!? Well I can both my kids were cloth diapers so washing a bucket of crappy cloth would be no biggy to me...
It got worse, when qiestioned aboit it he said he also stocked up on food, water and ammo and is purchasing a generator in the event the grid goes down. He gets 30 day bans all the time for arguing/bashing liberals ans is always sharing political posts. Mid 40's and has never registered to vote. Hell, he's actually a friend through another friend I don't talk to anymore.
Nothing wrong with a little prepping, having gone through several week + grid shut downs due to blizzards and or ice storms you learn that fast. Though spending your life prepping and worrying instead of living is sad.
The Virginia sports league recommends no pre or post game handshakes during the state basketball tournament. I wonder what they think of the basketball and that it will get touched and transferred from hand to hand several hundred times during the games.....
Quit thinking logically, or, just quit thinking. Don't you know it is better to be an unthinking cretin given to unwarranted hysteria and panic? Your democratic socialist overlords told you so.
Corona this and Corona that.... But until it kills more ppl than a average night in Chicago I don't care.
What's a toilet paper shortage and these pictures have in common? Answer: Never was a shortage... Pansy ass MF'ers never suffered through single ply
Well I have a runny nose, sore throat and a cough with a slight fever... let's see how long it takes my wife to freak out bc I have the common cold or my allergies are acting up bc it's been 70° the last couple of days.