Allstate insurance. If you are a homeowner and an Allstate policy holder, you will want to read that policy. Between them and farmers the exclusions are getting ridiculous. Like why even issue a policy when your not covering anything. And on the flip side, if you're a homeowner why wouldnt you read or have the policy explained for before blindly spending the money. Cosmetic endorsements, read them carefully y'all.
Just got an e-mail telling me that an international waste conference has been cancelled, thank god I get a week of my life back.
That has always been a stupid design regardless of manufacturer; drop the whole tank to replace a fuel pump. Just the thought of it makes me miss my old Dodge 318. The fuel pump was easy to access, a 30 minute job on a $40 part. Had to do it a couple of times before the engine completely went out.
Glad I'm not paying that repair bill! You can't even directly test the thing. It's bad enough on my wifes Jeep-tucked in behind the engine. I have been trying to diagnose a no crank condition on that thing. Started out by trying to clear a code. Thought what the hell, as long as I am pulling the battery terminals off, may was well clean them. Jeep uses a post on the negative side with a quick connector and a "distribution" type plate on the positive. I had the negative cable off but left the actual connector on the post. Went to take of the cables from the plate and my ratchet handle hit the negative post. Now the Jeep will not crank. You find crap on the interwebs that say when you remove the cables from the battery, you have to get the computer reset at the stealership. How do you do that if it won't start. Not sure what I took out but I can't find a single blown fuse. The owners manual has the fuses listed but doesn't call out the relays. Figured I pull the starter relay and jump it to see if the starter was OK. Can't find the thing. There is only one relay big enough in the box to be it but that one is actually for the fan. Can't find squat on the web. A check of the "wiring diagram" says there is a starter relay in the auxillary box located on the left side of the engine compartment. Really? Only the primary box is there. Off to the stealership it goes!!!
\ Years ago had an isuzu pick up, I finally just cut a hole in the box to access the tank mounted fuel pump.
Meetings, next week was supposed to be pretty easy Wednesday morning fly to Detroit, fly back home Friday morning. Has something come up so fly to Houston Monday morning, fly back Tuesday night late. I might have time to wash my clothes before I head to the airport.
Thought there was a movie thread at one time but couldn't remember. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
"The WHO officials said last week that the mortality rate of COVID-19 can differ, ranging from 0.7% to up to 4%, depending on the quality of the health-care system where it’s treated."... "US cases: At least 108, according to the CDC. US deaths: At least 9, according to the CDC and state health officials." Now I'm not a math major nor epidemiologist, so I'll let you jump to your own conclusions...
Network is down at work. Not sure if that's a rant. Sitting at work while the network is down...that's it. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app
Its definitely a rant if you own the business. Paying all your employees to sit around and do nothing cause the damn cable/phone company can’t get their **** together is pretty infuriating.
Government building. So in a way we all own it. I'm a contractor surrounded by feds so a lot of these folks don't need the network to go down to get paid to sit around and do nothing. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app
So, an update. There is a box that sits on the top of the battery called a battery control unit. This connects to the battery positive post and from there distributes power via a couple pcs of metal to 3 cables that go to the starter and other places. Turns out there is a fuse in that thing. I blew that fuse. Thankfully, that stopped the current flow and nothing else is damaged. The bad news is that this is a $400 repair. Will be interesting to see the creative billing as it appears that the fuse is replaceable and runs $50-75. OUCH
So far in 2020: Coronovirus has killed 3,200 people worldwide Alcohol has killed 12,200 in the US alone Sounds like Corona is wayyyyy more dangerous than coronavirus...
In a meeting, when the end is opened up to Q and A relative to the presentation and someone prolongs the meeting with a question that is completely irrelevant, totally personal circumstances, and had nothing to do with anything that was discussed during the last hour. This is why office linebackers should be a real thing.