In college I commuted, I had my studded snow tires put on and hadn't driven far. I then drive 30 miles to get the thruway to head to school. 70 mph and I notice a harsh shimmy. I immediately hit a garage when getting off express way. Driving a tank Plymouth fury. The guy stands up and tells me how dang lucky I was. Two missing nuts and the rest loose. My lesson in NEVER TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED!
Robo calls We are getting suspecious activity on your Apple... I don't own a single apple product This is an automated call, immediate attention needed ,we are cancelling your social security # due to suspicious activity in Texas... One of these days a human may get a accidental bite me or F you before the hang up...
Old not dead driving a plymouth fury with studded tires, yet another throwback. I always hated the sound of the mopar starters from that era.
My first car that my step mother made me pay 200.00 for in order to get back and forth to college. I was paying my own way and couldn't afford housing. I lived at sisters in an unheated room. I slept with 5 blankets and fully dressed all winter. Caught pneumonia and was band from school until a Dr slip was given...probably why I'm to this day so Ps when the thing died..I sold it for a 100.00 and free tow out of drive. He only bought it for the tires..had good
I grew up in an old farm house that did not have heat in the upstairs the room my brother and I shared did not have a heat register in the floor. I still prefer to sleep in a cold room.
Me too!!! My bedroom window gets cracked any time the out side temp hits 30 at night. The house is kept at 62 during the day and goes up to 64 until 10 pm where it goes back down to 62. 64 in the house is a bit warm for me. To be honest summer is the pits when it hits 70 and I'm miserable 75 +
RE part 3. Just read an article that Trump wants to withhold DOJ grants to states that give illegals drivers licenses. Unfortunately, courts struck down that line of thought previously. Wish it would happen
Frozen rear differential plug on this old pos truck, you think you can defeat me? Take this 3 foot modified breaker bar son of a *****!
I am having a hard time shaking this one. The other day while checking trees to be cut, deseased, lightening struck ect, ect...Well this section is 50 yrds between my lane way and the property line. The neighbors lane way is parallel 4 yards off the line.. I was in the center and notice a 3" diameter maple sapling with a long strip hanging down. It started at heart high. Walk over and I see white plastic wadding. Mind you on the neighbor side of tree. I pull the wadding out and the hole goes all the way through. Hubby says it was a 20 ga rifled slug.WTH! I had a hub blind on my lane way not far from there and it was directly across from a stand 65 yrds from tree. The trees was 20 yrds off the line. For that wadding to be attached and slug going clean through tree they had to have been close.
That ruling only applied to grants which were already promised and encoded in that FY's budget. Basically the court ruled that the administration can't be an Indian giver because localities had already initiated projects which were to be funded by those grants. Undue hardship. Does not apply to potential grants going forward.
Took apart a 1968 Scout with PB blaster, loved that vehicle you could strip off the body pull the transmission and engine with a 1/2" and 3/4" socket and box end wrench.
Been there, done that. Nothing will make you pucker like a good heave-ho on a cheater pipe followed by the slight squeal of rubber alongside the frictioned roll of a floorjack.
What are the odds you ask someone to fetch a flashlight from 100 yards away and claim they " didn't know" the batteries were dead? Really??, Can you pick up one and NOT try it within the first few step?
PB Blaster is the best, have to let it do its thing for 24 hours or so. Drain plugs are tricky, usually an impact driver can jar them loose, just don't use an impact gun lol.
Hey, not a rant, but... I found a really nice Patriots hat last Saturday, still got stickers on it and everything. Being a hardcore Pats hater, I planned on burning it later. But I know we have some Brady worshippers here who haven’t renounced their paganistic ways. So if you, or someone you know would like a free Pats hat in near mint shape. Send me a pm. Sent from my iPhone using Forums