I am not sure who pisses me off in this story the media or the people throwing the pity party. CBS evening news reporting that a county in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt. The family had medical debt from Leukemia and seizures from lymes, that they could not pay off. It was reported that they were jailed and could not afford bail. Well they were actually jailed for failure to report to court about their debt with the hospital, TWICE. The court does not issue a warrant or arrest unless the person has failed to appear twice. Yes it sucks that you got ill and racked up huge medical debt but that does not mean you can just not appear in court. BS pity party reporting.
Oh man, I have a story about that. In my twenties I went to the bar one night and drank enough that I left my pickup there and got a ride home. I go down to pick it up the next day and see these two girls I kind of knew, they were on each side of a car with the doors open and leaning in. I thought maybe they were having some kind of car trouble so I go to ask if I can help? Turns out the car wasn't theirs, it was another girl's car...one that had slept with one of the girl's husband. Right across the street there was a Black Sheep store. They had went and bought several bottles of doe-in-heat, bull-in-rut, etc. etc. and were emptying the bottles all over the interior of the car. I bet that gal was real sorry she had 1. slept with the married guy, and 2. left her doors unlocked the night before.
It's for domestic air travel more than anything else, not day to day. But states that piss and moan about not having the money to change their IDs to match new requirements aren't going to have 2 separate forms of ID...oh wait. I live in IL. Yes they will.
A bear trap in the glove compartment works well. If you get pulled over just inform the officer that your DL is in the glove compartment but you can’t get it because it is behind a large bear trap. Offer to allow him to retrieve it himself and they’ll usually just take your word for it.
Yeah, you go ahead and try that. #1 sign a traffic stop is going to go bad for a minimum of one (but usually both) sides? Refuse to provide your ID.
But officer.... I’m not refusing.... it’s just that there is this damn bear trap in the way.... also, I have no clue why you pulled me over and if I was going 70 in a 45 I certainly didn’t realize it.
I dont get what yall are complaining about this Real ID, just state you're a sovereign citizen to law enforcement. I've seen some YouTube videos and that seems to really work.. Oklahoma is another one of the states that has drug its feet on compliance due to money as well, or so they say. Honestly, I think Oklahoma just likes being last in everything but football.