Yes, it can. But they probably shouldn't just assume that an old car is a sign of poor finances. Of all my buddies, the one who is the most stable financially drives a 1994 civic hatchback with 300,000 miles. He makes 6 figures, lives well within his means, has the best credit score I've ever seen a 35 year old have, paid off his home in 10 years, and has probably half a mil in the bank. He could afford any car he wanted, but he drives his old hatchback because it is paid off, runs fine, he can fix it himself, and he doesn't care about having a fancy car. He would rather have that money invested and earning interest and dividends. In his case the old car is a sign of good financial responsibility. On the other hand, if the job involved taking customers out in your vehicle or calling on customers (real estate, outside sales, etc..) it could be an issue. Also, if the employee is in a position where they could embezzle and there are some personal financial issues going then that definitely is a risk factor and would explain why the employer would want to know more. In that case if they found that there weren't any financial issues and it is just a case of not wanting to replace a perfectly functional vehicle then I don't see how or why they could expect them to upgrade. I do think that in any case sending an email is about the worst way they could go about raising the subject.
I drive a 20 year-old Jeep with 210K on it. For all these reasons, and, I would rather drive an old car and let my wife be the stay-at-home mom she wants to be than force her to work so I can drive a brand new truck.
Putting cuffs on a lawyer probably made his day. Speaking of... anybody ever seen what happens when a lawyer takes viagra? He gets taller.
You know the difference between a lawyer and a whore and a lawyer? The whore will stop screwing you when you die.
If it involves calling on customers or a sales position, the cheap ass company should be providing the vehicle.
Back before I had my company rig I drove a vehicle until it was dead. Raising 2 kids all all that goes with that the wife drove the newest most stable vehicle, I drove what I could fix, or her old vehicle after she got a newer one. Those were some dark days when I drove that ugly chevy lumina van.
My main love is 1 1986 ford ranger 4x4 with a v6, 140,000 miles, that's about if for niceties, manual roll up windows and mirrors, lowsy am rfm radio, But I love it. it fits my dog and I well, does not get stuck, ( Usually) I can actually find the engine, I can turn out the oil filter from the top, yes I can actually see it, Very good gas mileage without all the latest crap pulling it down. Very little rust, I like things easy !
1986 is a little different - that’s borderline clsssic car at this point. I love the squared off style of those 80’s ford trucks.
I was almost 40 years old before I bought my first new truck. Everything prior had at least 100k miles on it and I paid cash. I made "car payments" into mutual funds every month starting at the age of 22 and by the time I got a new truck, I had a pretty damn big pile of money in the market. Now I can trade every two or three years for a fraction of the growth that those funds create. Well, until the market crashed today. lol.
And so begins another crap show of an election year. I am going to do my best to screw with them. Probably all automated machines but it would be fun if one turns out to be a real person dumb enough to respond.
More I'm alive the more I realize we are not meant to be living like this. Everything regulated. People going to work 8 hrs plus a day and being miserable. Law books 5 feet high. Insurance. Cancers increasing. Over population. Wasting our existence away and for what.....? We have so much technology we could just slow down and make it all work workout all this wasted hustle and bustle. Standardized testing. Testing scores. Agendas. Racism. On and on and on. We need to put down the brakes on this disaster of a human constructed roller coaster. One day I'll have a bow, a fishing rod, an old truck, and a cup of coffee. That's it....yeah and maybe a small tent. Ha