I just read this and it looks like it may have the intention of keeping Virginia lands open instead of going the way of high end leases and outfitters.
And that's the conundrum. Couldn't agree more but two years of being outsmarted has my pride a little shook. Plus, I've heard from a few that know him that he is a bit of a pompous ass.
I will be denned up all weekend, one of those weekends where I stock up on the way home and the truck sits all weekend. Go out to the shop and get stuff done on the boat, prep the other old boat to get ready to sell.
I was supposed to go out and cut firewood. The kids were coming over to help haul to the landing. NO WAY I'm cutting trees in 30 MPH wind with snow. They are crazy. I think it is time to start the next project. Convert the old Ford F150 to a wood bed/box. This bed is so rusted, I'm surprised the fenders stay on it.
It sounds to me like you're the foreman of this firewood operation so shouldn't you be bundled up in a comfortable chair sitting in front of a fire while you supervise your laborers to make they stay on task and don't slack off? After all, they wouldn't even exist if it weren't for you so cutting, hauling, and stacking a little firewood for their old man is the least they could do.
Gonna be a crap show in Richmond VA this weekend. Virginia is getting pulled apart politically. Very symbolic of our country.
Not sure if you all know this but I am a Green Bay Packer fan. I just watched a story on the news about the guy and the company that makes the Cheese Head items. What a bunch of rubes, get a life, people laugh at you when you walk away. You can get can coozies, even a cheesehead star for the top of a christmas tree. What an embarrassment, still not as bad as hedi horns and a skol chant but still you look like an idiot with that thing on your head.
Anybody that sports a costume, applies any kind of paint or make up to your body, or wears head gear that is not a normal hat or cap to attend a sporting event is a dumbass rube. I guess adults that wear a jersey are not in that group but close.
Packer website I frequent some rube said the Packers can not have a 3 and out against the 49'ers. Tried to explain that there is not a single team in the NFL that would have under 3 3 and out series against that defense in that stadium. Hate the play off run band wagon it brings out people that really have zero idea about NFL play off football.
I used to make a killing selling organic, free range firewood to hippies and skinny jeaners at the chapel hill farmers market. 15 bucks for a bundle similar to the ones they sell at a gas station. I had one guy who wanted to buy a whole face cord of it so I gave him a steep discount and sold it to him for $600 and he was thrilled. It was really good wood, all if it was oak, hickory, and birch that I had split and debarked then seasoned it in a shed for 1.5-2.5 years depending on where I grabbed it from. Still I couldn’t believe that folks were paying that for wood just because it had the organic sign on it. The scary thing is that only about 50% of the people who came to my stand had enough sense to realize that all firewood is organic.
If only I could find some city rube to pay that. LOL. Update. Snow is ending mid-morning and wind is only 10ish MPH. Fire up the saws!
St. Paul Minnesota one of the Twin Cities, has passed a resolution opposing hunting competitions, in opposition of some smaller outstate town and cities hosting coyote hunting competitions. Bear in mind it is illegal to discharge a fire arm inside city limits of Saint Paul so there was no way a hunting competition was going to happen but I bet they all feel superior now.
Same here. At prices like that I have a huge fortune out in my woods. My wife says that she wants to start selling firewood. She don't run a saw but she runs the tractor and the wood splitter like a champ!