It seems like the younger employees these days cannot figure out alternative solutions to problems. So many questions about how to get things done instead of just figuring it out.
I spoke to one girl today... Or tried to speak with her. There were way too many instances of the word 'like' per sentence...
Spending Friday night at the veterinarians office... I bring my dog to work with me most days. He likes coming to the office and everyone loves having him there and it seems like everyone is in a better mood when he is around. This afternoon I had to go meet a client so I left him at the office with my employees like I normally do when I have to go to a meeting. About halfway through the meeting I get like 7 back-to-back calls from the office. I ignore it because usually this means that there is some "major" emergency like we've only got a weeks worth of printer paper left, or the lights flickered, or maybe were down to our last dozen rolls of toilet paper, etc... but then my phone starts blowing up with calls from everybody's cell phones, so I step out and answer. When I pick up the phone all I hear is panicked screaming and then: "How far are you from the office? Hank's mouth is glued shut! What do we do? What do we do?" Me: "Is he breathing?" Response: "He can't open his mouth" Me: "Is he breathing through his nose?" Response: "Hank, Come here, come here Hank, good boy, good boy"......."I can't tell" Me: "He's still walking around the office?" Response: "yea" Me: "Well how long has his mouth been glued shut?" Them: "I don't know, I tried to give him a treat 5 minutes ago and he couldn't open his mouth to eat it" Me: "well I think it's safe to say he is breathing then, I am heading back now, i'll take him to the vet, he should be fine until I get there...... How did his mouth get glued shut?" Response: "He chewed up a bottle of super glue" Me: "How the hell did he get a bottle of super glue" No Response... Me: "well...." Response: "a piece on my shoe was loose and I glued it back on and I think I left the super glue bottle on the floor" I hung up after that... Good news is he is going to be fine, but I took him to the emergency vet nearby since his usual vet was a 45 minute drive away. Everybody in the emergency vets office has been giving me the evil eye ever since I told them that his mouth was glued shut and also that they should try not to touch his ears since they're really sensitive due the shotgun pellets in them. I didn't shoot him... He was a rescue and his previous owner was the one who shot him but I don't think she is buying it (not that I blame her considering the whole super glued mouth thing). I left a message with his normal vet who knows his whole life story so hopefully she will smooth things over when she calls back.
I found myself last night saying to people as they gave a dissertation, "what is the solution?" soon as they continued on with their tale I would once again say, "what is the solution?" until they figured out that it not only was their decision to make but they were expected to make a good decision.
But, but, but... Doesn't it take a village? And doesn't everyone deserve a trophy? You left one key item out... And you will be held accountable for the decision(s) you make.
I know it's not funny, but I laughed at this story. Poor pooch. Other night when I took my dog to the vet he was being a little ass while on a leash, he never gets put on one so can't blame him, but he kept pulling and being a pain so I just told him to sit down and then put legs around him to hold him while I was paying. He looked up and was like "really?" So i looked down and said "it's you're fault, and you know if these ppl weren't around I'd have already thumped ya," needless to say I got few dirty looks from other ppl there and even the little girl behind counter gave me the stink eye. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
OpposumH, funny but frightening in a way. Unless it's super cold out, my dog is with me 24-7/365. I'd have a hard time trusting him with anyone. Some say" it's just a dog".
Not there yet, I rarely have to get up to pee in the middle of the night. Granted there are times I wake up at 4:30 and my teeth are floating because I am so full of piss, but I have not developed a kitten bladder yet.
My wife has a coworker and her job is to educate children, she asked my wife if we were concerned about burning GMO corn to heat our house. One would think a greenie would be over joyed we are sparing mother earth from GMO corn by burning and destroying it.
I know I used to buy a bag of coal at the feed mill to throw in the stove on a cold day, been at least 10 years since they sold it.
Funny enough he wasn’t even really that concerned about the glue - only thing he was really bothered by was the fact that somebody gave him a treat and he was unable to eat it.