I'm lucky he's pretty chill. Hasn't really tore much of anything up, luckily ha. Only thing gotta watch is food on the counter, he'll either get it from ground or jump on counter to get it. And if you're in his spot on couch he'll move ya or lay on top of you until you do move. They're good dogs tho, none of mine have been working dogs really but try getting them out and about as much as can. This is third one I've had and this one is definitely the least "destructive." First one I had played hell on any stuffed animals tho. He had to stay at my mom's once for few days and she sent me a pic of all the stuffed bears she had scattered all over the house with eyes and noses tore off. Looked like a massacre. Bout only thing wouldn't tear up was any kind of ball. That dog loved playing fetch. Them "indestructible" dog toys didn't even stand chance. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Technically no, but I wouldn’t blame you if you were driving through town and thought you were in Mexico. Last I saw the demographics inside the city limits was around 65% Hispanic and that was back before the new chicken plant opened up.
Damn.... I thought I was the only one who knew about the ol bear-trap-in-the-glovebox trick. Works great - just make sure you bolt the chain to the car frame and not just the sheet metal. For added security you can put a 330 conibear over the anchor bolt so that when they reach in to try and unhook the chain you’ll catch their other hand too. It’s also helps you get away with expired license/registration - if you ever get pulled over and they ask to see your license and registration you just tell them “Sure thing, help yourself..... it’s in the glove box right there behind that bigass bear trap” and they’ll usually just take your word for it.
That damn dislike button needs to be moved or I need to start scrolling with the left thumb. Unintended dislikes are hard to find. Point me to the post so I can undislike it. Sorry! Thanks bnb for standing up for me.
Bridge the technology divide. Of course CNN has to create a victim. The real victim is the American taxpayer paying for this crap. Kids need to socialize on the bus and deal with the absence of technology without acting like crackheads.
Back to the dentist for a filling today, just one cavity. I hate getting my face numbed up for 3 hours to avoid 15 seconds of pain. The I get in the chair and tell the assistant no novocain, she said you sure. She asked me 2 more times and the dentist asked twice two. I like to think it gave them the willys.
I manage a university fitness center at a medical school. Today, I had to put up a notice in the locker room reminding people to wear deodrant and clean clothes every time they workout. Apparently, despite working a medical school/hospital some people do not understand the concept of healthy hygiene practices and wear the same workout clothes for two weeks.
Ugh, even the media say it https://www.foxnews.com/great-outdoors/kansas-bowhunter-rare-antlers-record