Greg stepping it up today, thought you would sleep in had to be a busy night last night, how many hang overs did you hand out last night?
I'm the maintenance guy. We have others for the bar tending and food prep. The wife and I retired early....... too early!
I need to request access to an application at my client... To request access to the application, you need to sign onto the application and create a request... What moron created this process?!
This sounds familiar, bid for a federal building contract..? And speaking of federal contracts.. I lost one last year and now they want me to come bid it again. They had to fill a diversity quota so they went with a contractor that happens to be Indian from India.. nothing like watching federal tax dollars being used for a "diversity quota" and then the job having to be done a second time so skilled labor can do it right. Seriously the dumbest installation of a a flat roof I've ever seen. I have a custom metal shop to do all the scuffers, termination flashing, you name it and my guys can make it. The contractor in question.. looks like he gave a guy some metal snips and a roll metal and said figure it out. Effing embarrassing. To top it off, he came in $9k higher than me and was still awarded the contract. Rant over.
Negative on gov, but eerily similar. Gov procurement is one of the most rediculous,, assnine and foul inventions ... a true disservice to taxpayers. Minority and small businesses can bid like 25% more and be considered equal?! I saw too many minority businesses that were just shell companies owed by somebody's wife that were nothing more than a middle man...
Guys this isn't a rant it is an honest question. Now before i continue, I apparently word things in such a manner I offend when none was intended. My following question with my reason for asking may come off this way. No offense to ANYONE is intended. Please read my word and not between the lines here. Ok can anyone explain to me what this anti Semitic hate is all about? See I understand how the irrational hate people show towards other races, life styles difference ect. Come about. See groups are vocal in their feelings of victim hood it becomes a non stop drumming that drills into your brain. It becomes a self generating situation. Like a hard wind loosens bad shingles on a roof. I don't see where the Jewish population draws attention to it's self in such a manner, well until they are actually being physically attacked. At that you still don't see that "you owe us" type of victim hood, it's just let us be. So What am I missing? Why? What threat do they pose to people. How are they putting upon others,what am I missing? Is it a city social thing? Ps. Remember, to understand how things come about is not condoning such things nor embracing them.
I've got that tee shirt... Never again. Debt free, 60% of the kids moved out... now I just daydream of retiring and hunting. A few more years like 2019 and I should be set... PS, when you get old and crusty like some of us on here, your tolerance for bullshit, increasingly drops to 0... Gov = too much bullshit.
Stupid people who think putting down others elevates themselves. You can plug in racism or what ever other isms and it's all about the same. As far as the reparations, I assume that's what you're referring to, I have no idea and what politician thinks this is a good idea. Even as a Democrat I think this is a terrible idea only second to Affirmative Action. Its America, that's in the past and if you want something bad enough, apply yourself.
Actually no, reparations wasn't on my mind, though it's a give me a freakin break deal for me. My Grandmother was of the Tuscarora tribe. My mothers Half brother was raised on the reservation after her mother passed very young. Still the past is the past. My grandparents whose family came from Ireland didn't steal, swindle my native relatives land away. They didn't slaughter and displace any of them, so why should they or their ancestors give them anything. Still I just don't get the whole jewish thing. I'll tell you what, I want reparations, from all the lazy welfare rats, no matter what their race. The ones that refuse to even try to become productive humans. Though this is a need to understand the jewish thing and why are blacks doing the attacks in NY. Perhaps someone should teach them the meaning of irony
There has been a long history of hate for the Jews. From the Philistines and Canaanites to the Babylonians, Medes and Persians, the Assyrians, and German's. I firmly believe there is a demonic aspect to it, as the Devil has attempted to eradicate the "Heal that would strike his head" (see Genesis) Since sin entered the world. I know no other explanation for the kind of hate levied on the Jewish people. If only they would recognize God's grace freely offered them through Jesus sacrifice. One day this will happen, I believe. There will be a great awakening among the Jewish people in the last days. I feel the same way about people who would choose to kill an unborn baby. I see no other explanation other than a demonic presence. Just as ancient civilizations sacrificed there children to the false god moloch, ours sacrifices them to the false god of self, so called "freedom of choice" and liberation. It's a broken world. And the solution is to correct our world view. We need to recognize we have a creator. There is right and wrong, and we will be held accountable. The lie of evolution is just a pathetic way to pretend otherwise. I say all this knowing I am the chief of all sinners, but praise God I'm saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.