A. They were wrong - 30 year old photo wearing blackface doesn’t make somebody a racist - whether they’re democrat or republican B. The only reason the Washington post is admitting they were wrong is because he was a Democrat and the democratic LT Gov and AG also had scandals right after that and if they forced him out then they would also have to do the same for the other 2 and the 4th in line was a republican. If Northam was a republican they would still be calling for his head on a spike
I get to work today and some jackass had parked a cube van in my parking spot. My spot is clearly not where shipping and receiving is. I was sitting there wondering what kind of idiot when the door opens and out walks the idiot, one of those guys that wears shorts during the winter in Minnesota.
I see those winter time shorts wearin' fools all the time. Can't tell me they don't have feelings in their legs. If their vehicle conked out somewhere remote there'd be another problem for them to face.
A kid I coached, his dad was a year round shorts guy and he was an idiot, a pure bred pedigreed idiot.