Well that's the million dollar question. Had we kept drilling under a regulated rate maybe only 500 jobs to begin with but they may have had longevity. Instead roll back regulations hire 1000 and go as far as you can and lay them off. Regulation plays a role, imo, it keeps the oilfield steady. I'm in no way against profit, just hate seeing people put out before Christmas. And it has such a trickle down effect here.
Had a couple of Popeyes oh so coveted chicken sandwiches for lunch, what's the big deal? These things suck just as hard as Chic-fil-a. I seriously fail to understand what all the hubbub is all about with either of these disgusting eateries. Guess I've had my fill of fast food for awhile. These sob's should come over and have one of my chicken sandwiches, their effing heads would explode.
You can wait as long and you want and I don't see you getting any morals Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
Waitress at dinner last night asks if I have any holiday plans and I tell her I am going to visit my sister in London for a couple days. Her response: "Ooohhh that sounds nice... You Flying or you driving?"
I would love to say what a dumbass (and I'm sure she is) but I live 3 hrs from London Ontario Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
When she was telling me about the salmon special she made sure to mention that "it's a fish... ya know" as if she was letting me in on some big secret. It took everything I had not to burst out laughing at a couple points.
You ever had a year so bad it was actually good? I have like 6 negatives of terrible crap...guess 6 negatives equal a positive.
All these new Northern Virginia head prosecutors coming in trying to change the prosecutions for criminal acts and making the criminals seem like victims. Absolutely unreal. VA has been taken over by the victim party from hell.
Not all of VA, just 10%... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/...in-gun-sanctuary-movement-expands-to-9-states