I have a very old smart phone. An S-3. I only turn on the wifi or the gps when I want to use them. So when I run to the store to buy dog food, I'll have a message on my phone when I get home that says " how was your trip to XX." How do they know?
Did you pay with a check, credit card, or debit card? https://www.courthousenews.com/banks-profit-from-selling-your-spending-data/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/peterc...ess-of-selling-transaction-data/#1df324d57722
I always pay with cash. The one thing I didn't think about was that sometimes I'll take my 2016 Ram 3500. That truck has way more bells and whistles than my old 2005 F150. It somehow sincs with my phone where you talk through the trucks speakers and start and end calls via the buttons on the steering wheel or the touch screen on the dash. Maybe that's the culprit.
My sister has an app from Target where she orders her stuff on line, the app tells target when she pulls up and they come out with her stuff. I don't want it I don't need it.
More than likely your phone has an application on it that has location services turned on (probably google). Or you are on a list.
Hey it is finally above zero, only because a front is bringing us snow, and after the front goes thru it will get cold again. Shovel shiver repeat. Side note I was going to unplug the beer fridge and let the shop go cold, then I remembered the new battery I bought for the trolling motor last fall, built a fire in the stove, left the fridge plugged in.
Well if bluetooth was turned on they could've also tracked you using a bluetooth tracking beacon... emits a signal that the phone recognizes and connects to... lets your phone know you were there and tells the beacon owner you were there. Those are becoming a lot more common in stores. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth_low_energy_beacon Also several companies are already implementing facial recognition in their stores. Last I heard that was supposedly only being used for loss prevention purposes so far, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time until they start using it for marketing, if they haven't done so already. I think I remember hearing Lowes and/or Home Depot mentioned as one of the companies who was currently using it in their stores. Maybe if our politicians weren't so busy playing grab ass with impeachment they would actually look into how these technologies are being used to track our every move and spy on our private lives without our consent.
My wife gets groceries from Walmart like that. She pulls up and they come out with the goods and they put them in her car. I'm thinking ... Hell no, I might miss something I really need like a sale on beer or rib eye steaks or something!
Plus if you were to buy steaks through the app and have them brought to your car I would assume that they're going to give you the gristleyist and worst cuts they have on the shelf and save all the good ones for the in-store customers since those customers are going to be looking at the steaks before they choose which ones to buy.
Hallelujah!!!! It's Finally Happening!!!! https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...roblem-of-toilets-flushed-15-times/ar-BBXSpQ3 It's about time somebody in the government decided to get rid of these stupid low flow toilet, sink, and shower head laws. It makes no sense to force people to get a low flow faucet in their kitchen sink. If you gotta fill up the sink or a pot it is going to take the same amount of water no matter how slow it comes out!!! Filling up 2 gallon pot at the sink isn't going to magically use only 1 gallon of water just because it takes an extra 10 minutes to fill up. And I'll finally be able to get myself a ****ter that actually works if you take a **** in it. And good riddance to having to order illegal Swedish shower heads off the black market so that it doesn't take half an hour to get shampoo out of my hair. Even if Trump hadn't done a single other thing while in office, rolling back these stupid water regulations would be more than enough to get my vote next year. The funniest thing is that the media people are putting this out there like it is something thats going to look bad for Trump, but everyone else who doesn't live in DC or California is dreaming of a day where they no longer have to try and chop turds in half with a plunger to get them to flush. Trump 2020: Make Turds Flush Again
If your phone is on, your phone is the beacon - identifies >you<. If you don't have a phone, you're the beacon.
They are lucky that theirs was crumbly poop. Mine was the perfect peanut butter like consistency that it kind of stuck to the brush and it looked like somebody took a paint roller with brown paint and painted the whole floor.