That was my first thought as well! Me: What time is dinner? Wife: Well, first I have to stop at my sister's house to bla bla bla, then I have to go and bla bla bla............ Me: What Time?
Plastic Fishing Worms!!! Somehow a couple of those soft plastic fishing worms wiggled itself into a box I had containing a bunch of random bow/arrow parts and pieces. Basically one of those random junk boxes that gets created whenever you rush to clear off your workbench because you need to get something important done in a hurry. Mine contained several dozen blazer vanes in various colors, some arrow wraps, a plastic fletching jig, extra nocks (including a few nockturnal's), an old whisker biscuit, a cheap 3-pin sight, a couple worn out cables and a bowstring, plus some other misc. odds and in's, tools, etc. Apparently a couple plastic worms is all it takes to convert all that stuff into a giant blob of sticky melted schmoo. It even melted through the box itself and attached itself to the wooden workbench it was sitting on.