He will be disappointed. Basil, marjoram, oregano, epazote and thyme is what I dry and cure out in the garage. I hang my weed out at the farm.
I planted peppers, tomatoes and pumpkins this spring and I did not not think they were going to produce at all. The plants remained small and scraggly right up until the middle of August then boom....... they put on the growth and started producing. Here's a pic of some promiscuous peppers
The pumpkins were grown from seeds I got from a friend and were supposed to be the giant variety. As you can see they are regular pumpkins except for maybe the bottom one. It looks more like a gourd. BTW my dogs helped pick them.
People who produce the giants only grow a single pumpkin per plant, they will select 1 flower and pluck the rest so the entire plant is feeding one single pumpkin.
I bought a pumpkin for the deer yesterday at the feed mill. They like them a lot and with the rain it I have not been giving them feed, apples and pumpkins are rain proof.
Do the deer break them open or do you? I figured if I shot them they'd be broke open for the deer as well.
Yeah I slam them on the mineral stump to crack them open. I have to shoo off the chihuahua when I do it because she will start eating the pumpkins.
You won’t regret it - thermacell is a lifesaver. If you are hunting an area yellow flys or greenheads I recommend running two - seems like those guys take a little extra deterrent to stay back.
I never knew that about pumpkins - do they like the rind or just the pulp? Might have to go around the neighborhood after Halloween and offer to dispose of everyone’s pumpkins.
They eat it to the rind I think the squirrels still eat the rind. I dump deer feed in them when the guts are eaten out, use the rinds for an extra feed pan.