My country tis of thee no worry if you dont have pee pee pee, in fact no reproductive organs need to be, Of thee I see, Land where my fathers died, Land where my balls were pried, Let all Eunuchs sing!
This is ridiculous. If somebody wants to be transgender then whatever...but companies dont have to market it towards toddlers for crying out loud. Not like my 4 year old daughter would know what the hell the thing is anyway. This is for the parents more so than the child. what a joke. What's a young girl age 3-8 we'll say supposed to think when they ask "is this a boy or a girl doll?"...well honey its both. Totally irresponsible.
Anybody who thinks the democrats are pursuing this Ukrainian thing for anything other than partisan political means needs to first read the actual transcript of the phone call (it's pretty short, only takes a minute or two to read) After you've read the actual transcript watch Adam ****t reading a completely fabricated version he made up at the impeachment hearing: The scary thing is that anybody who watches that and hasn't actually taken the time to read the actual transcript is just going to assume that what he is reading is what the transcript says; after all this is the congressional intelligence committee chairmen reading the "Transcript of the call" to congress. What reasonable person would assume that the transcript that congress is reading at the impeachment hearing was not the actual transcript they're impeaching over but a complete fabrication that the democrats made up to make their case for impeachment stronger. Even worse is the he will probably get away with it. You won't hear anything on MSNBC or CNN or NYT/Washington Post about him fabricating it. In the unlikely chance they do mention it, they will say something like he wasn't trying to mislead anybody, he was just paraphrasing it so it would be clearer or easier to understand or that he was just exaggerating it for dramatic effect or some other completely bullshit excuse that makes it sound like they didn't know exactly what they were doing when they made a calculated decision to mislead the large proportion of the public who hasn't taken the time to read the transcript themselves (or who is illiterate and unable to read it themselves)
This next year or so will go down as the dirtiest politics ever played in our country's history. An this week is just the beginning.
That would actually be kind of hilarious - Mattel Presents the Limited Edition Ken Thrust Doll.... Comes with a free replica white vinyl sofa for him and barbie. Or you can get the buy one, get the second one half off deal and they'll throw in some leather vests and chaps for each of them. I mean if you think about it, since the future trannies get their own doll, isn't it only fair that the future gay men get one for themselves too? Wait, never mind, I forgot that gay men have become too privileged and no longer qualify as one of the progressive movement's oppressed classes.
Pretty soon all the dolls will be painted rainbow colored hermaphrodites . Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
It all become just one huge joke and 'we the people' are the punchline. I love watching the folks pick a side and dig in against each other when they should be mad at the whole lot of them. It wouldn't surprise me that Pelosi and Trump are the best of friends and this is nothing more than another distraction to take focus off whatever else they're supposed to be doing other than funneling money into their own damn pockets. I like people have absolutely forgotten "If a politicians lips are moving, they're lying." Whether it be a democrat, republican, house speaker or president, you're a fool to believe any of them self serving jackasses.
I'm confused as to whether to post here or in the best things in I'll post in both Headed home for the week. Flight already delayed, now indefinitely we sit at the gate and maintenance of an airline whose mechanics are on strike... On take off, full power, pilot cuts the engines, deploys flaps and lock up the brakes. (a nice controlled skid with a hint of drift in an A321 (Big plane))... Equipment malfunction. Everybody safe, e-ticket ride... ...I still want to get home. Flight just taken out of service.
Brett Wth are you buying / looking for, that you find that?! Never mind, I really don't want to know! Totally unrelated, I ran into some interesting guys on my flight with USCCA shirts on...up in the Northeast calling on police departments selling and teaching about Bolawrap (youtube it, if not aware).