Watched this several times, his MOH citation is something to read too. Ha guess that's what they read for most part in here, there was a article from one of the other guys guess I was thinkng thinking of. Haveta see if can find it. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
An estimated 1 million teenagers are going to be allowed to skip school to attend climate change rallies. There is talk among the age group that they will not reproduce because of climate change concerns, sounds like a wonderful idea to me.
Don't EVER do this! K, right now I'm sitting in a bathtub whilst reading this forum. Grabbed 2 beers before jumping in. Finished one and started on the other. Had to piss. Had an empty can so.. Grabbed the wrong can to have a swig Yes, this JUST happened!
Coming to the rant thread to let a good rant loose. Then once getting here you read the couple rants that were last posted since your last rant/visit and totally forget what your rant was to begin with. I don't know if I need a new rant, rant on a rant about not ranting or a rant on the rant that almost was. I'm going to lose sleep because of the confusion.....
Doubt anyone disputes this. You've spoken **** and now rinse it down with piss. Seems a suitable mouthwash for ya.
Packers will not be on TV in my area, and the one radio station I could pick up the game on is no longer on the air. Not like I have time to sit down and watch a game on Sunday, I have wood to split.
Damn a guy I got to work with years ago up in the BWCA died the other day. He had a tree service and was clearing a tree off a roof of a cabin and he went over the side and hit the propane tank on the way down. Guy was one of the most safety conscious fallers I ever saw run a chainsaw. Hans Smith RIP.