POSs that throw their cigarettes out the window while driving. Passed two police cars and two firetrucks working a fire on the side of the interstate while coming home from my boys’ ballgame tonight. We haven’t had a good rain in almost 6 weeks and there was no vehicle having trouble to explain the fire starting. No storms with lightning since the last rain either. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
So it’s all on film. Black Lives Matter adherent challenges cops by bringing a knife to a gun fight and they chant “black lives matter” ? In this instance, this was pure case of inciting the cops to shoot a weapon holding fool. Do stupid things get stupid prizes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When we were engaged my wife wanted to hunt with me and setup stands. So I took her one day, setup two tree stands and out we went. I had about 6 land owner permits for does, so it took about 45 min and one pretty little thing of a doe came on by. I took aim and shot her, she took two bounds and stopped. My wife stated I missed, I replied no I didn't. About 3 second later the doe fell over and died. The wife screamed, cried and stated she never wanted to do this again.
Pretty rare for a cigarette to start a fire, RH has to be below 10%, direct sunlight, and perfect fuel arrangement. Could have been a bad brake pad breaking apart, CC falling apart. Or just straight up arson, have seen a book of matches attached to a burning cigarette give the arsonist time delay to get out of the area.
This was along a stretch of highway where the pine needles are falling off from the lack of water. Most of our trees are starting to look like it is the end of October with all the leaves being lost. If the pine needles are anything in that spot like they are in my yard, my house is less than two miles from where this happened, a cigarette butt is most likely to blame. People throw them out all the time in this little stretch, right before the hit the bridge over the Arkansas river. Usually the winds across the bridge are too strong to throw it out while on the bridge. It would just get blown back into the car.
So the geniuses in the campus operations department turned off the a/c in my building at 1:00 to do routine maintenance. Routine maintenance at 1 pm on a day where the heat index will be 95-100. And no bothering to give any of the 500 people working in here a heads up and no ETA on when they will be done and have it turned back on. Freakin’ idiots. View attachment 96794 Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Maybe not even that. Looks like it will be 2 years of credit monitoring if you do not already have it. If you had a Yahoo account anytime in 2012 through 2016, a pending class action settlement may affect you. A Class Action Settlement has been proposed in litigation against Yahoo! Inc. (“Yahoo”) and Aabaco Small Business, LLC (together, called “Defendants” in this notice), relating to data breaches (malicious actors got into system and personal data was taken) occurring in 2013 through 2016, as well as to data security intrusions (malicious actors got into system but no data appears to have been taken) occurring in early 2012 (collectively, the “Data Breaches”). 2012 Data Security Intrusions: From at least January through April 2012, at least two different malicious actors accessed Yahoo’s internal systems. The available evidence, however, does not reveal that user credentials, email accounts, or the contents of emails were taken out of Yahoo’s systems. 2013 Data Breach: In August 2013, malicious actors were able to gain access to Yahoo’s user database and took records for all existing Yahoo accounts—approximately three billion accounts worldwide. The records taken included the names, email addresses, telephone numbers, birth dates, passwords, and security questions and answers of Yahoo account holders. As a result, the actors may have also gained access to the contents of breached Yahoo accounts and, thus, any private information contained within users’ emails, calendars, and contacts. 2014 Data Breach: In November 2014, malicious actors were able to gain access to Yahoo’s user database and take records of approximately 500 million user accounts worldwide. The records taken included the names, email addresses, telephone numbers, birth dates, passwords, and security questions and answers of Yahoo account holders, and, as a result, the actors may have also gained access to the contents of breached Yahoo accounts, and thus, any private information contained within users’ emails, calendars, and contacts. 2015 and 2016 Data Breach: From 2015 to September 2016, malicious actors were able to use cookies instead of a password to gain access into approximately 32 million Yahoo email accounts. Plaintiffs claim that Defendants failed to adequately protect their Personal Information and that they were injured as a result. Defendants deny any wrongdoing, and no court has made any ruling in these matters. Who’s Included? If you received a Notice about the Data Breaches, or if you had a Yahoo account at any time between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016, and are a resident of the United States or Israel, you are a “Settlement Class Member.” What does the Settlement provide? Yahoo has enhanced, or, through its sucessor in interest, Oath Holdings Inc. (“Oath”), continues to enhance security of its customers’ Personal Information stored on its databases. Defendants will also pay for a Settlement Fund of $117,500,000. The Settlement Fund will provide: a minimum of two years of Credit Monitoring Services to protect Settlement Class Members from future harm, or Alternative Compensation instead of credit monitoring for Class Members who already have Credit Monitoring Services (subject to verification and documentation); Out-of-Pocket Costs for losses related to the Data Breaches; and reimbursement of some costs for those who paid for Yahoo premium or small business services. The Settlement Fund will also be used to pay for attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses, and Service Awards for the Settlement Class Representatives. These are only a summary of the benefits. For complete information, dates, and details on the benefits, visit the Settlement Website www.YahooDataBreachSettlement.com. What are my options? In order to receive any benefits, you must file a claim online or by mail by July 20, 2020. If you want to keep your right to sue the Defendants yourself, you must exclude yourself from the Settlement Class by March 6, 2020. If you exclude yourself you will not receive any credit monitoring or monetary relief from the Settlement. If you stay in the Settlement Class, you may object to the Settlement, and/or the amount of attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses, and/or the amount of Class Representative Service Awards by March 6, 2020. If you do nothing, you will not receive any credit monitoring or monetary benefits but you will still be bound by the Court’s decisions. Complete information and instructions on Filing a Claim, excluding oneself from the Settlement, or Objecting are available on the Settlement Website at www.YahooDataBreachSettlement.com. The Court has scheduled a hearing in this case at 1:30 pm on April 2, 2020, in Courtroom 8 of the U.S Courthouse, 280 South 1st Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113, to consider: whether to approve the Settlement; any objections; a request for Class Representatives’ Service Awards; and attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses for investigating the facts, litigating the case, and negotiating the settlement. The motion for attorney fees, costs, and expenses will be posted on on the date it is filed or as quickly thereafter as practicable. You may ask to appear at the hearing but you do not have to. This is only a summary. For complete information and to file a claim for benefits, visit the Settlement Website, www.YahooDataBreachSettlement.com, email [email protected] or call 844-702-2788 (1-80-9344112 for residents of Israel).
And there goes the app screwing up on my phone again and locking out my picture uploads. Looks like I will be downloading the app for the fourth time in the last two months.
National Car Rental. I was hit by a hit and run driver in Florida in June. I got the estimate for repair and called them to put the repairs on my company credit card. The invoice had $500 deducted as my insurance co pay. I did not take rental insurance and did not turn in to my employers insurance. The person was not interested in me telling them that, she could only take payment on per the invoice. Paid in full minus the $500 they even e-mailed a receipt saying paid in full.
Man they don't make many men like this anymore. Simple in speech. Loyal Tough as nails. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Come on skunk do your job. I live in sand country lots of underground bee nests. I have 2 in my firewood lean to so can not add wood during daylight hours. Skunk shows up every fall to dig out the nest and eat the lava.