The new ones with the mesh sections that let the fat smell ooze out, gross. I often think that is a lot to ask of synthetic fabric to contain.
I swear the 3 of us have had this same discussion before. You guys obviously haven't driven in IL in decades. These days the highways are stuffed full of people who no tienen liscensia o segura who have never heard of much less taken defensive driving class and don't know the rules of the road and drive 10mph under the speed limit in the left lane; and dimwitted suburbanite drones mindlessly staring at their cell phone screens with their foot on both brake and gas at the same time- usually also in the left lane. There is literally no room to speed on any metro Chicago highway with the exception of 355 S of 290 and small sections of I-80. I drive like the Michigander I was born. Set the cruise at 9 over and use every lane to my advantage- that's why they're there. What I'm saying is the days of the stereotypical FIB flying past you at 95mph in his Bimmer M3 are long-gone. He's been replaced by the POSs I described above... the new FIB. But still a FIB.
Sounds like commifornia drivers. We have both extremes. The jackass in the bmw/audi doing 30 miles over limit dangerously passing like a lunatic. Then have the illegals in their POS vans, or t100’s slowly plodding along, weaving in the lane, and into yours too, or just drifts in front of you, no signal. Then you have the typical Californian. Nose buried in phone, book, or stuffing their face doing the same thing as above. If youre on a mountain road, no legal passing I guarantee you there will be a prius, a illegal in a semi, or van loaded with other illegal trash, just creeping along making you ride the brakes for 2 miles.
I think you have missed the point. Yes, you are stuck in gridlock in IL but when you/they get to the more open spaces, people with IL plates are the vehicles that are weaving in and out of traffic at 80-85 MPH. You are so overcome with joy to be out of gridlock that you forget it is not a race to the exit you want. Case in point-wifes cousin grew up in the Chicago area and moved here when he was about 35. He has so many speeding tickets his employer had to take the company name off the vehicle he drives-just to avoid the bad press. Doing 80 on a 2 lane road that is 55 with get you a ticket every time.
Stop staring at me while I buy a can of Choc full of nuts coffee. Its my life. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
And not to be Debbie Downer but.. it's not guys my age that have been driving for almost 30 years that worry me. It's the example set for those younger drivers that does bother me. Sure, us older folks have a bunch of experience and we tend to keep those automobiles maintained properly, know when we can open it up a little and for the most part have great defensive driving skills and situational awareness. The problem I have is the chain effect. Some inexperienced driver sees a seasoned driver doing 10-20 over and know they feel like they can just as well, most the time while applying makeup, texting or just generally not paying attention. Set a better example and arrive three minutes later. And for the record, I effing love to go fast. I have a car that will do 160mph with little to no effort, comfortably. But that's why you donate to the Highway Patrol and look for long stretches of road with not a soul on them.
Too fast and too furious has inspired a generation of moronic drivers. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
People who take a 15 year old civic, put a giant spoiler on the back, and one of those mufflers that makes it sound like a Husqvarna and now they think they’re the next Mario Andretti and go around cutting through lanes of traffic and about causing a wreck every 30 seconds. Every time I see one of those wrapped around a tree it kind of makes me smile because at least he didn’t take out another driver such as myself with his stupidity.
Used to travel many miles outta state to hunt high dollar coyote tournaments. Always gave myself a hi5 when someone would show up with loud pipes. They were SO far behind the game before it even started. so apparently Downs Syndrome Drag shows are not only a Thing, but a Thing which when normal people find them to be not only distasteful but also exploitative and will not permit their establishments to be used in furtherence of said exploitation; are then liable for lawsuits perpetuated by the ACLU... Oh, and only when you are running for Congress as a Republican. Motherfuckers. Seriously. The only word I can think of to describe these deranged, twisted exploitative cocksuckingmotherfucking assholes is to call them Motherfuckers. Well that and cocksuckingmotherfuckers. And assholes.
Just think if it was actually in his state how mad he would be. Meijer grandfather was a good man. As the owner of the company you would find him bringing in carts at a store he visted.
Just when I thought that I had heard it all, the Libs up and drop Down Syndrome Drag on us. I thought the whole made up Ze/Hir/two spirit gender pronouns **** was as crazy as crazy could get but boy was I wrong... the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ mafia just went and took the crazy to a whole new level.
Have to admit you made me google Choc full of nuts coffee, I have seen it on store shelves for years but never researched it, there are no nuts in that coffee.