I used to but that was the least of my worries with him since he also had this habit of doing a rick flair yelp every time he hung up the phone. It was particularly obnoxious because he was in the office next to me and was a helper for the our estimating department so his primary job consisted of calling subcontractors to follow up on their estimates for upcoming bids. Basically 8 hours of 1-2 minute phone calls, each of which was followed by a yelp. I would be on the phone with customers in my office with the door closed and they would still hear it on their end of the line and eventually would ask me what's that noise in the background and I'd get to explain to them that they guy in the office next to me was part chihuahua so he yelped whenever he hung up the phone. His boss had like 3 talks with him about it and he still would do it occasionally like he couldn't help it or something.
I can't stand this, been in that situation plenty of times. Now I just tell people I'm a gynecologist, they won't ask for side work on their wives!
I'm just sayin, if I were on your team again I'd have your back... ... But since I'm not, you're going down, regardless!
No good deed goes unpunished is what my dad always said and unfortunately it takes learning that lesson the hard way before you can ever understand it. I do love stroke face though.. "Did you ask me to perform that task?" "Did you think I was doing it for free?" "Go to Best Buy and see how that logic works when buying a t.v. or better yet where do you work, I'm coming by to make a purchase using your logic." Is my general line of questions but I just hate to have to ever go through it.
And my saying 'Nobody like surprises, except for kids at Christmas... Or Haunakah.' Change Order, early and ( if needed,) often. Sure, we can it'll cost you, this much. Or... Sorry, we can't do that, but I have a 'friend' who will be glad to give you a quote.
Thanks Bud. Only been in this house a year since we built it so little nervous and were less than half a mile from the ocean so I’m more worried about the surge and possible flooding
I only did work for close friends and relatives. No acquaintances, no "friends of the (ex)wife", no referrals. I found that if I kept to close friends and relatives, they were much more respectful of my time and understood that I was doing them a favour so they very rarely pushed or came back with negative stuff. Unless legitimate problems. I had a friend of mine help me switch the old panel in my house from fuses and a small circuit breaker panel to a larger panel. We wound up having to do a little extra, and while at it, he showed me to to properly wire in three-way switches. He gave me a price beforehand of what he wanted to help with the panel work. When done, I asked him how much for all the work and he said same price. I wound up giving him an extra 25% even though he kept saying he wished all his work was that easy.
Damn! The storm surge is the b1tch. My good friend just retired, and bought a house down in the Vero beach/Sebastian area last month. They just finished unpacking last week.