Okay, hopefully she can make it until March then. I thought it was dumb when the GOP blocked a nomination and it will be just as equally dumb when the Dems do it this time around.
Have you noticed how the Dems tried to block the last nomination? There is no equality between the two in this respect.
I dont think her life cycle would have been effected whether Hillary won or not. Did Scallia step down due to his poor health? 38 of 57 Supreme Court justices who served between 1876 and 1900 died in office. So there is that..
The difference between Obama's pick and a potential 3rd Trump pick is Obama was a 2nd term president and happened within 6 months of the election. Think Kavanaugh was a crap show? Imagine this scenario, Ginsburg is removed from bench by health or death. Thomas retires during Trumps second term. Sotomayer is a potential 5th Trump nomination. It doesn't matter the party, you're going to have one side that says different to spite the other. Dems used the nuclear option for federal judges and were warned it would come back to bite them. Reps used it for SCOTUS. I guarantee you if we had a Dem held Senate rather than the House, we would have 8 sitting justices, possibly 7 if Kennedy would have retired regardless. With the crap Trump has had to endure his entire term by Democratic tactics, I hope he does get another 2 picks and the Senate pushes them through. Congressional Democrats are an embarassment to this country. Could you imagine the cries of racism if the Republicans when they held both the House and Senate spent Obama's entire second term doing countless investigations/subpoenas/hearings on Obamas birth or whatever other conspiracy theory was out there?
And for those that are upset with the Garland/Gorsuch appointment. I give you Obamacare..... Nuff said.
People who smoke while pumping gas. Maybe blowing up is your idea of fun, the rest of us would prefer not to die young while we still have a wife and kids that need us around.
She can, and I happen to agree with the post but I think this is a Fake Tweet. Otherwise she'll get banned- personal attacks are flagged
Dems can't block a SC nomination...they don't control the Senate. All they can hope to do is get 2-3 RINOs to join them in an attempt to block confirmation. Presidents can pick a SC nominee to fill a vacancy at any point in their term- and the nominee's confirmation to the bench is subject to the "advice and consent" of the Senate. That's federal law. With Garland; the Republican Senate neither advised the President nor consented to his nomination. In fact, McConnell expressly told Obama anyone on his list was a non-starter and not to bother- yet Obama did it anyway to use as a wedge issue against Republicans in the election. So McConnell for once in his life lived up his promise and declined to schedule confirmation hearings. A bit of a dirty play, but completely within their right and purview. Had Obama selected someone more palatable to Republicans the nomination would have been scheduled for hearings. Enough Republicans were on record as saying they would never vote to confirm Garland; so what was the point in scheduling hearings? A President doesn't get a rubber stamp. People forget; the reason the Senate (and House) were flipped Republican was in part to put the brakes on what was perceived to be an out of control socialist agenda led by a Democrat-presidency. Part of that counter balance included stymieing SC picks who are unpalatable to Conservative ideals...ie anti-Second Amendment (in the case of Garland.) We have divided government for a reason.
She does get banned/suspended all the time from twitter and FB. Guess can't be sure but from following her on FB it appears they're all real tweets. Idk anything bout Twitter tho so who knows. Not that it really matters ha. But there's been several times got banned and then fought and got page back. From what I've seen she does mouth off alot and gets reported alot. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Went to a wake yesterday for a old timer that died of cancer, get to work this morning and learned a mentor of mine died of cancer on Friday. So sick of cancer.