This is the type of post why this thread was created! Damn that stinks brother. Id be pissed as hell.
100% agree. Benadryl works for me, but about 25 minutes after I take it I might as well go get into bed, that stuff flat knocks me out. I've taken all sort of things over the years, but now only take AllerClear or Aller-Fex from Costco (Kirkland brand). The Allerclear is a Clariton knock-off and the Aller-Fex is an Allegra knock-off. The AllerClear is quite a bit cheaper than the Aller-Fex, but after a while I seem to build up an immunity if just taking one kind and so switching to the other is needed. They are both non drowsy, 24 hour one pill a day. Using Benedryl now would be like buying an old Honda 3 wheeler vs. a Can-am comparison.
I have not used a card when my wife quit working for 10 years to stay at home with the kids we went no credit cards, if we did not have the money we did not buy it, including vehicles. The only loans I took out were parent loans for the kids college, and evidently that is a detriment to a credit score even though they are paid off. Pisses me off the kids were in school and they said we made too much money for any grants or otherwise. Funny I have never felt like I made too much. Finally done hemorrhaging cash with college and weddings and want to make a move, now I have to get a credit card to show I am worthy?
Are you kidding me, a bus ride would be about the only thing worse than a middle seat in the back of a plane. I used to take the Greyhound back and forth to college a few times, it was 200 miles of suction.
If you're serious about getting rid of debt then Dave Ramsey is your guy. I'd recommend starting with his book "The Total Money Makeover".
You might wanna wait until the end of deer season to get that credit card. This is a very dangerous time of the year for someone who hunts and has access to a credit card.
One way to side skirt the issue a little bit, is what is called piggy backing. If you have family or a good friend with excellent credit they can add you to one of their credit cards as an authorized user. As long as that card issuer also reports onto your account their credit history goes on that account. You would want to do it on the card with the longest history as it would extend your credit history back that far and with low balance etc. it automatically increases your score and credit file. You don't need to take posession of the card or use it, just have to make sure the oerson you use isn't going to go bankrupt I was young and dumb and got myself into bad credit. Nothing fraudulent or debt, not paying hospital bills and such, had no insurance and how is someone making $4.75 an hour supposed to pay 4k hospital bill. Got unto an uninsured(young and dumb) wreck that cost me about 9k. I got turned down by Fingerhut(old guys will know who that is) for a $70 item, and even the customer service rep was surprised by the denial and had to double check. Even though it was over the phone and not in line, it was one of the most embarassing moments of my life from that day on I started repairing and building my credit. My score at the time was 396. 13 years later, after making good with most debtors, disputing shady collectors and working my way up from a $250 credit limit with $78 annual fee I have an 837 score and 6k credit card debt on 0% until Sept. 2020. I have over 90k in available credit but cut all the cards up when they arrive after renewing. Some have been expiring from not using for a period of time. Have so many because being able to apply and get instantly approved felt good and was addicting My problem is not being able to save money. I'm too impulsive, but don't have kids or anyone that I need to leave anything for.
I have all I need for the 6 hours I will spend in a stand this year. I do need 6 new piledrivers, 3 muzzy mechanicals and some nocturnals but there is cash in the mason jar for that.
I bought his series and books and am not disciplined enough My work several years ago actually had one of his seminars for us employees, I wasn't smart enough to sign up for it back then but would if they ever offered it again. That was just before all the layoffs started, so they seen it coming. If they offer it again I will get scared actually.
I paid all my bills and lived within our means, was unwilling to do anything on credit. Problem is most weeks I am on the company card little to no expenses, my truck, gas and insurance is all paid for, guess I should buy a new boat and make payments on it.
A big part of it is the length of history. A New card may help a little, but it will also ding it with an inquiry and "new" account. It's a catch 22.
Some dude from Petty Coat Junction and I believe he was mentioned on green Acres as well. What do I win?
They better be waiting for me when I get home! Don't need bait for steelhead, browns and salmon. We can work something out for next year. June is the best month for salmon. Browns have not been biting well this year but when you do get one it is generally 15-19 pounds. Will only be my 4th time out all year. With rehabbing the shoulder, rebuilding the camper, figuring out why the boat was overheating, it's been a looooooong fishless summer. If I was a better walleye fisherman, I'd be doing that in a month. Need my buddy to take me out and show me how to do well in the fall.
Funny girlfriend story. We were out in the back yard by the basement and she asked, why is there water running out of that pipe? (She was referring to the condensate pipe for the air handler in the adjacent utility room) She then asked, is the dishwasher running?