Bahahaha you have a named alter drunk ego? That's actually where my screen name on this forum comes from. Also making me laugh out loud tonight was your yoga pants observation. Too funny. I almost always get in trouble when the wife and I go there.
Yea i can't wait. If ya don't go tho you'd never know anything was wrong. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
He's a smooth talking southern gentleman with the ladies but just a jerk otherwise. He has even gone so far as to demand satisfaction with pistols at dawn.. act out scenes from the movie "Swingers" at a Waffle House and once he even told Jimmy Johnson he was not welcome here, referring to the State of Oklahoma. So yeah, I don't drink like that anymore or take Benadryl.
I officially retired mine circa 2005, although rumor has it he has made a couple curtain calls since then. Mine was a pool shark and probably still thinks he can still run a sub-5 second 40.
my Dad's prostate cancer was caught by a blood test vs. "digitally". That finger is not the end all be all.
Funny story I used to talk crap to my son because he never beat me in a footrace. Well last fall when we were at Lambeau he drug me over to where they have the timed 40's to race me. I made him take all my stuff from my pockets and put them in his pockets for the race. He smoked me and it hurt like hell, physically not mentally I lost a footrace to a 23 year old.
Life goals. You have no idea. Or maybe u do. Its a real life goal for me to get out of debt. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I never used to be allergic anything but the last few years I've started to be affected by pollen and dust. If I'm out bush hogging or doing dirt work when it is dry and dusty I wear a mask. If I don't I'll clog up and get a headache. I take Benadryl as soon as I feel something coming on and it works for me. However, it doesn't make me sleepy it speeds me up. I cannot take it after 6 PM if I want to get to sleep at a reasonable time at night.
We run into that a lot in the insurance industry. Credit score is a big factor in insurance score and we get folks who have a couple million in savings, no debt, a perfect driving record, and no prior insurance claims but their insurance score is crap because they have a low credit score. The reason for their low score isn't because they went bankrupt or defaulted on something in the past, its because they were so responsible with their finances that whenever they buy a house or car they just pay cash and they haven't needed to finance anything in a long time. One of the many reasons I think the whole credit score system is a racket and needs to be overhauled. Or at least scale back the amount of emphasis that everyone puts on it.
When I reached that age, my doc flat out told me that he did not do the finger exam. His reasoning was that a doc can only feel about a third of the prostate. This exam is not only uncomfortable for the patient but also the doc. So, if you have to have it done, make sure SHE has long skinny fingers!
I completely agree with you, a high credit score means you carrying more debt than you can afford. Other than the mortgage, my wife and I are debt free. One of the reasons she is a stay-at-home mom while many of her friends work.
Where have you allergy (I'm one) sufferers been the last 10-15 years? Benadryl? Seriously? Try Allegra, Claritin, Zerteck (sp) or others for just pennies more. And you can have relief for 12 to 24 hours.
By the way, Zyrtec also works wonders for poison ivy when combined with Zantec. And yes, I do realize Zantac is a heartburn medicine. A pharmacist friend of mine told me about it a few years ago. It turns out that people have 2 kinds of histamine receptors that are activated by poison ivy. Most allergy medicines such as Zyrtec block the H1 receptor only. Zantac blocks the H2 receptor so when you combine the 2 it blocks both the receptors that cause poison ivy rash. It truly works wonders. Completely stops the itch and causes the rash to go away in half the time. Just take one Zyrtec in the morning and one Zantac in the morning and one in the evening. First time I tried it I couldn't believe I had gone my whole life without knowing about it. I always end up getting poison ivy several times a year and I'm so allergic I would usually have to go to the doctor and get steroid shots or pills. Since discovering the Zyrtec/Zantac combo I haven't had to get them since. Figured I would mention it since hunting season is coming up and I'm sure that people are going to be getting into some poison ivy in the near future. It is surprising how few people know about Zantac/zyrtec for poison ivy/oak/sumac considering how effective it is. Alot of doctors haven't even heard of it but I can say from experience, it really does work wonders.
This is the only reason I have a credit card. To the T. I had always paid cash or house accounts until I was told about ten years ago my credit score was crap and I needed to establish a better score through credit card purchases. So now, all gas, auto repairs and maintenance go on a card just so I can pay some interest and establish credit. It is in fact a racket for sure.
Tires! Specifically trailer tires. Need new tires for the boat trailer. Last Thursday, went to the local dealer that carries the brand that are currently on the trailer. Buy 5 but they only have 4 in stock-will have the 5th tire next week Tuesday (yesterday). Get tires home and find a bulge in the sidewall of one tire so big it pops the bead. OK, **** happens. Call the dealer and they say no problem bring it back Monday and we will replace the tire. Put the tires on the trailer and figure I'm staying local and can go fishing Sat afternoon. Leave to go fishing, 2.5 miles down the road, blow a tire. Crap. No spare as it is sitting at home-flat. Bring the tires in Monday and dealer tells me to check the lot number of the remaining tires, if they are the same bring them back. They are the same lot number so back they go. They look at the bad tires and tell me it looks like someone picked them up with a forklift and damaged the inside of the tire. Should have no problem with the other two tires. They replace the two bad tires (with tires from the same lot I find out later). I get home from work and one of the tires has a bulge in the sidewall just like the first tire. This is one of the two they did not replace. Call dealer, they come and pick up the tire last night, replace it and bring it to my house. Have all the tires on and head out to gas up boat. Quarter mile down the road, pow! Another blow out! Boat and trailer for sale-just need tires. Make an offer. Dealer is coming to my work to pick up the tires and replace all 5 with a different brand of tire. I am very pissed off now as I had to cancel a fishing trip that was supposed to start tomorrow. I can't risk hotel and slip fees in case I have futher issues. Dealer has been good to us and they will have to deal with their distributor. Me, I plan to email the manufacturer and also fill out a NTSB complaint form. Tires!
Same reaosn I have one. Didn't have much as far as debt and was talking to bank one day about upping credit score and getting a credit card was basically only option really. Got one with low limit and put few tanks of gas on it a month then paid it off. Still feel like it's little bit of a joke on how much scores fluctuate. Maybe it's just when my payment is due vs when it gets reported but idk. Seems like more of a pia then just paying for whatever put on card ha. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I took it the past two nights and ive been up to 5am both nights. Thank goodness I am off work until tonight. I need to get some Claritin. Works much better and doesnt leave me feeling like a meth addict.
I was once told that you should always pay it off 15 days before the due date because the card companies report the balance to the credit agency like 10 days before due date. Apparently if you wait to pay the bill until after they've already reported the balance to the credit agency then it appears to the credit agencies as if you are carrying over a balance month to month (IE just making minimum payment) vs paying it off in full each month. I am 50/50 as to whether or not I believe that advice. To me it seems kind of suspect because I feel like the credit agencies would've figured out that a lot of people are actually paying off the card but just doing it during the 10 day window between when the balance gets reported and when the payment is due and they would've accounted for that. Regardless I go with the better safe than sorry rule and pay it 15 days early in case that is true.